Jinrai Kojima



2 years, 11 months ago



Jinrai kojima was raised in a relatively remote and poor fishing village somewhere in kyoto. Througout their childhood they lived life relatively normally, but they always felt drawn to adventure and discovery. This lead them to set sail themselves one day at the young age of 15. Eventually their self made journey became more of a trajedy as their poorly built boat wasnt strong enough against the rough waters they were sailing on. The storm brught them to an island where a secluded man had been living for several years. The man was a long since retired demon slayer who had become a hermit after cutting his ties from the corps after a plethora of disagreements. At first the man was apprehensive to interact with Jinrai and preffered to ignore his existence entirely. Jinrai however wasnt anyone to give up. After several days  of trying to interact with the  man, he starteded to soften up to jinrai and begin to teach them about their personally developed breathing technique. This technique was known to be wreckless and hard to control if not used in the right hands. It was called Breath of storms. The man explained to Jinrai in great detail that  both breath of water and thunder could merged in two create a very erratic and somewhat dangerous breath technique that could easily be the downfall of a slayer if not used appropriately.

It was because of this, that the man had broken off from the corps. He once tried to pass his breath technique onto a student slayer under his watch, however the slayer didnt survive controlling breath of storms because of its unpredictability and ended up killing themselves in the process of trying to control it. The man admits to Jinrai that he inteded to have the technique die with him on his secluded island after it causing the death of one of his students. The man never intended to teach jinrai the technique, but at this point jinrai was fully invested in the breath technique and begged the man to tecah it to him knowing all of the consequences. Jinrai goes out of his way to teach himself the first form of the technique without the mans aid to prove to him that he can handle it. The man then agrees to teach Jinrai Breath Of Storms as log as he never attempts to perform the final form of the technique. Jinrai agrees hastidly not thinking much of it at the time.

 He trains with the man for half a year when a very powerful demon approaches the island. The old man approaches the demon knowing Jinrai was not trained enough to handle this foe. Unbeknowngst to the man,Jinrai had been teaching himself the technique that he had promised to never use. Before the man could fight the demon, Jinrai rushes in with his training blade starting to recite the final form hurricane. The man rushes after him not wanting another student to die because of his dangerous breathing technique, but it was to late, Jinrai had already fully recited the form. Much to the man surprise Jinrai survives performing the technique, however due to blade not yet being a nicheren blade, the demon sustains major damage but is not finsied off and runs away. After the man recollects himself he scolds Jinrai for his insubordance and slaps the top of his head with a fan. However is then deemed his true heir to breath of storms. After that Jinrai us then sent to the final selection where he survives and becomes a full fledged demon slayer at age 16.   Some time after at at age 19, one of his missions goes south as he sustains the irreplacable losses of one eye and one leg to a powerful demon. At first he struggles with the loss as other slayers who knew him at the time started to treat him differently because of it. Despite him being more than sure he was still capable of fighting and helping the demon slayer corps, he was often rejected by other slayers, and eventually his crow no longer returned to him with new missions. It was then that Jinrai began to take the demon slayer job upon himself and search for his own missions. After training his own bird, a parrot how to report to him for missions, he begins to teach himself how to compensate for his losses and weaknesses in battle and become an even better slayer than before.