Jackson "Jax" Rivera



2 years, 11 months ago




Jackson Nathaniel Rivera
February 14
African American/Japanese
188 cm currently
Hero Name
Jax is laid back, but confident, and can be loud and outspoken if he needs to. He can be arrogant at times, and a bit full of himself, but he is usually pretty chill. He's also slightly a perfectionist, but is nonetheless dilligent with his time.


Jax is an American-born foreign exchange student striving to become a hero after moving to Japan. He wanted to take up music production and DJing, but he wishes more than anything to support his father while also living up to his mother's high expectations of becoming a famous hero. He is currently enrolled at UA in the hero course, learning new things about his quirk and working diligently to become the best hero he wishes to be.





Since moving to Japan, Jax is very new to its culture and language, so he is soft-spoken most of the time and tends to write what he wants to say on paper, in fear of pronouncing a word wrong. As he learns more, he becomes more confident. When Jax feels too sure, however, he can become arrogant, loud, and outspoken. For instance, when there is a party, he can act very excited since he loves music. However, he tries to remain reserved due to his unstable and challenging to control quirk, which can have destructive consequences. Listening to music helps him regulate his emotions, slowing the chance of his quirk activating unintentionally. Overall, he is very laid back and will have a conversation with you if you ask him or if the subject is interesting. He is sincere and never lies, and he is very diligent but can be rebellious.



  • Music
  • Anime
  • Cool shoes
  • Video Games
  • Spicy food


  • Dishonesty
  • Being humilliated
  • His mom
  • Backstabbing
  • The UA Uniform (or uniforms in general)

Quirk Explaination

  • Jax's quirk, called "Tremor," allows him to manipulate the electrical impulses that regulate his heartbeat. This irregular heartbeat creates pulses and vibrations throughout his body. The energy expelled can result in destructive explosions, depending on how long the pulse charges. If the pulse charges for a few seconds, the blast is weaker. It can be loud but not as effective. Charging it for longer results in more damage but takes up more energy. The bigger the blast, the longer it takes for him to recharge.
  • When Jax's quirk first manifested, he lost control and completely obliterated his surroundings, thus knocking him unconscious for about a day. After about a year of having this quirk, he found that music is an excellent stimulant to calm his emotions, thus preventing accidental explosions from happening frequently. His goal at UA is to master his quirk so no fatal accidents happen and so that he can gain control of the amount of power he wishes to expel.
  • Drawbacks include fainting, dizziness, and weakening of the muscles. This quirk is strong but can only be used in intervals. After all their energy is used up, the user is rendered useless until the quirk recharges. In addition, it can be hard to control due to emotional stimuli. Emotions can cause the heart to speed or slow, and this can affect the quirk massively.



Even if I have to explode a thousand times, I will perfect this. It's not really about me.




A beautiful Japanese model named Uchiyama Leiko searches for more opportunities to spread her name across the world. Due to her arrogance, vanity, and lust for money and fame, she sees America as the fitting place to make her debut. She was also losing many opportunities in Japan and described her work there as "repetitive" and "boring." Her quirk, "Heart Race," allows her to stimulate her heart and blood flow. Due to this quirk, she can keep her skin looking rosy, healthy, and perfect while also undergoing intense training to keep her slim figure, despite her age. With this power, she heads to America, planning to gain citizenship and make her mark. She visits a club in Los Angeles, California, where a struggling New York-born DJ named Antonio Rivera is performing that night. Leiko is immediately interested and decides to ask the DJ out for a drink. Antonio, being surprised, of course, takes the opportunity from this beautiful Japanese model. After a couple of dates, they slowly fall for each other and eventually marry, granting American citizenship to Leiko. They discuss life after marriage, but Leiko clearly states that she does not want children, as it would ruin her career as a model completely. Despite Antonio's deep desire to start a family, he adheres to Leiko's wishes. However, one afternoon, he comes home to an enraged Leiko holding a doctor's note. She angrily tells Antonio that she's pregnant and starts to blame him for this, raging about how he ruined her career and how she plans to press charges against him for this. Even after Antonio's desperate pleas to Leiko to give this child a chance, she disagrees. She promises that she will deliver the child in America, then move back to her hometown and never speak to him or their child again. Leiko has the baby and about a week later, keeps her promise, leaving Antonio to raise the boy alone. He decides to name him Jackson and, after Leiko leaves, realizes that they were better off without her. Since Antonio is not financially stable without Leiko, he is forced to move with his son out of LA to Brooklyn, New York, his birth town.

Quirk Manifestation

IM PROBABLY FINNA CHANGE THIS BC IS LAZY AF OK PLS IGNORE THIS PLS PLS When Jax's quirk manifested, at age 6, he was simply playing with some of his friends outside. One of his best friends at the time had wanted to show him something that he had found lying around in an alleyway. Jax agrees and walks with him. When they visit the place, he held something shiny up to Jax, and he realized that it was an old vintage music player. Jax was instantly fascinated, and they both looked at it in awe. All of a sudden, car headlights shine in both of their faces as two men exit the car in front of them, motioning for them to give up the music player. Jax pleads for his friend to give it up, but instead, his friend grabs his hand and makes a run for it down the alleyway. Both of them run as fast as they can until they reach a clearing. It seemed as if they had lost the men, and they both look at each other and laugh. Suddenly out of nowhere, the same van whips in from the side, hitting Jax's friend head-on. Jax, shocked by the occurrence, unconsciously makes a run toward his apartment. On the way there, he feels not so great, and his legs start to grow weak. He notices his heart rate has increased substantially, begins to panic even more than he already is, and experiences a hot sensation throughout his entire body. The feeling forces him to fall on his hands and knees and scream. Then suddenly, he feels all of the energy leave his body in one instant, then blacks out.

Growing up

Jax was not the most extraordinary boy. He wasn't academically gifted, nor was he the most athletic kid ever. However, Jax had a passion and talent for music and loved to spend time with his father while working on music or new mixes. He aspired to one day become a DJ like him and was a very excitable kid. He was known for being very friendly and extroverted. Still, shortly after his quirk manifested, Jax adapted to become quieter and less emotional to keep his quirk under control. An excellent solution to that was constantly listening to music to stable his emotions. After the many accidents related to his abnormality, like at school or just around Brooklyn, his classmates and the people he knew begin to grow wary of him. Considering all this, his father realized that DJing might not be the path for him. When Jax enters his last year of middle school, he plans to discuss with Jax about considering becoming a hero to escape the dump that they were currently living in. Soon before Jax graduated middle school, out of desperation, his father had to contact his divorced wife, who was living in Japan. He explained that their son had acquired quite an exciting quirk and could become a famous hero one day. After much convincing, she agrees and invites Jax into her household in Japan, studying Japanese and attending UA to become a renowned hero. Her home and her demeanor toward him are very abusive, though, as she forces Jax to live up to her expectations, lest he is thrown back into the unsafe city he lived in before. Living in Japan for him is an experience, but it's pretty hard. He rarely talks to contain his quirk, and the language barrier made it hard for him to adapt, but he works hard and diligently to integrate into this new culture and this new school.

Space for other things idk

Other info



Hanawara Nami

[ Schoolmate ]

Jax ran into Nami his first year. She offered to give Japanese lessons to him in exchenge for English lessons. Eventually they started to talk more and became UH...very close hmmm...



[ relationship ]




[ relationship ]
