


3 years, 1 month ago


Valkyn Zauviir

Valkyn is more feral than socialized these days, almost never encountering other people in his life. He's very hard to converse with, as he contributes very little to the conversation, not even fully fluent in common. He has no social poise or apparent know-how anymore, his motivations and interactions a bit more primitive. But, though he can use his warped magic to wildshape into--not animals--but all manner of horrid aberrations, making him a terrifying opponent if aggressed upon... when he has no need to hunt or defend himself, he is a very low-energy, even-tempered creature with infinite patience and seemingly muted emotion. And a constant source of pessimism.

Pronunciation VAHLL - kin

Pronouns He/Him

Race Drow

Class Druid

Subclass Circle of the Dark Pact

Age 600+

Height 6'4"

Do Draw Them
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Don't Draw Them
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Valkyn would cut a firm and intimidating figure if not for the touch of malnutrition that has deteriorated his form slightly, though his figure is gradually returning these days. He has dark grey skin with the faintest lavender tint to it, colorless spidersilk-white hair, and eyes that were once a sort of lilac, but are now clouded over to a milky white film. Or, rather, his one remaining eye is. His right eye (viewer's left) is missing, creating a hole in his face where a black ichor perpetually oozes from. To mitigate the continued damage to his face, Valkyn wears a nondescript strip of dark leather in a band around his head, acting as an eyepatch that serves to contain the mess. Over the centuries he has endured this, the mildly caustic substance has carved ruts down his face when it runs, leaving the right side of his face a disfigured mess of burn-like scar tissue, including a cleft that's been melted out of his upper and lower lip on that side, resulting in a permanent snarl of exposed fangs. His teeth are all pointed, jagged and unnaturally monstrous.

He has spent most of his life in an underground cavern, a long chain bound to his right ankle, for over four centuries. He had enough "leash" to move around and fend for himself, growing edible plant life in the space, drinking from a stream that flowed through the cave, and hunting animals that wandered in, but it had shaped him into someone more feral than a person. During this period, he was almost always only wearing a ratty pair of nondescript trousers, with his torso unclothed, except in cold weather (when he fashioned better protection from animal hides). He had no footwear or other adornments.

More recently, however, he was both freed and more or less taken in by Hiraeth, who found him oddly pleasant company, despite his perpetual pessimism. Valkyn left the cave for the first time in some four-hundred years, and ended up living with Hiraeth, where they share a quiet, simple existence. Except with the previously unhad benefits for Valkyn in his ability to walk freely about the forest, and share his time with a companion that he believes himself indebted to and consequentially a protector of.






