Maximino 'Max' The Hedgefox



3 years, 4 days ago


"We always judge based on what we see, but what we see isn't always the full truth.."


Flight • Team Soliel


Maximino Takeshi Pace the Hedgefox
Maxi, Max, Hermano, Mano, Mino, Pace, Mimi, MinMin, Maximus, MP, Mini, Bebé, Cariño, mi tesoro, Mijo, Takeshi, Brownie, Mud, Commander.
11/12/1998 (November 12th, 1998)
Accent, Voice
Soliel Hedgehog (Girlfriend)
Melee, Dualize, Invisibility

Commander of the Green Hills Zone Guards (Currently)

GUN Agent (Formerly)

Personality and Appearance





-Long-Fused Paitence


Max is a brown Hedgehog-Fox hybrid with darker brown markings around his eyes. Max has roughly eight quills, and it loosely resembles a star from the front view. His muzzle is olive skin, but fluffs out similar to Tails' muzzle, and has two long side quills on either side of his face, covering the fluffs on his cheeks. He has two smaller side quills pointing outwards just above the long side quills. Max has four bangs, the top and bottom being the smallest, the second being slightly bigger, and the third being the biggest, covering his sapphire eyes.

On his torso, he has one dark pink marking on each arm near the shoulders, a lightning bolt scar on his chest, three markings on each side of his torso that wraps around to his back, but don't connect. Max's tail is long with the end of his tail being a dark brown instead of the traditional white like Tails'. In both ears, he has ear pieces that enables him to hear, curtesy of Tails' inventions. He has olive chest fluff, similar to Silver's, but is covered by his dark grey bandana.

Max wears dark grey fingerless gloves, with golden bands wrapped around the wrist, and dark blue converse boots with matching black cuffs and golden bands wrapped around it as well. His boots has a white stripe down the middle, along with white toes on the shoe, matching white soles with a green gem in the back, and a dark blue strap over the white stripes.

Max has two Winter outfits:

He wears a dark grey sweater with a darker grey trimming, no gloves, and his usual shoes. Soliel also lets him wear her red scarf to keep him warmer as well. He also wears a blue and white varsity hooded jacket with MP on the back of it, which stands for Maximino Pace. He also wears a grey sweater underneath, keeping him warm. His shoes are similar, but are more suitable for the winter. Since then, his parents have given him rainboots that are similar to his shoes, but are plain blue with black cuffs.


  • Friends and family
  • Helping others
  • Keeping Green Hills Safe
  • Night Patrolling
  • Theme Parks
  • playing his guitar
  • Soliel
  • Music
  • Rain


  • Being taken advantage of
  • Zone Officers abusing their jobs
  • Electricity
  • Eggman and other enemies
  • Injustice
  • Harm to family and friends
  • Body Dysmorphia
  • Loud noises
  • having to wear his hearing aids


(Before GUN) Max was born in a loving family, being an Irish Twin or being born nine months after his brother Kei. He would be kidnapped moments later. His 'family' stayed in Green Hills for a while, but Max had ended up making friends with three kids, Unknowingly Soliel, Kei (Unaware they were brothers), and Noona. The family was too scared and had moved outside of Green Hills, explaining to Max that people were out to take Max away. Being gullible and still a small child, Max was unaware of the situation, and grew up in a family that didn't care for him, making him stay in the house and never play with any other kids. Once he had turned thirteen, he snuck out of the house through his bedroom window, finding his way to escape. He had many ways to go somewhere, but looking at the time, he realized he could only escape by the ferry ride that would be leaving soon. Upon the ferry, he realized he needed money to get a ticket to board, and became dejected and anxious, worried that his family would try to find him if they found out he snuck out. A man shortly approached him after seeing the poor boy having anxiety, and consoled him. Upon listening to his situation, the man offered him a deal, where he would be able to board the ferry, but in return, would recruit him in a team. Being young and naive, he accepted the offer, and the man helped him onto the Ferry, posing as a father figure to him.

(GUN Era) Upon arriving in White Acropolis, Max was brought to a giant headquarters, where he was shortly recruited to be the youngest Agent of G.U.N, The Guardian Units of Nations, which is a giant military base. At first, Max is at peace. He worked hard to be one of the elite agents, where he is introduced to Shadow, Rouge, and Omega, or Team Dark. This was when Shadow became more aware of the young boy and trained him harshly to fight. He was unaware that Shadow knew something was up. During this moment, he was given the basic uniform, which included a dark blue jumpsuit, dark grey bulletproof vest, shinguards, and then dark grey combat boots with steel toes. He had a helmet as well that displayed the GUN logo on the front. As he went up the ranks, Max was determined to be the best of the best. One day, Max had seemingly lost his vest, but was convinced that it was a double layer of protection, the commander reassuring him that the jumpsuit itself was bulletproof.

On one October night, Fourteen year old Max was tasked to infilitrate and capture some wanted thugs that were found to be in a warehouse in Casino Night Zone. As he was preparing to infiltrate, Shadow stopped him. After a brief conversation, Shadow explained that this was a dangerous task for a young kid, and that he was there to help since he didn't want Max to get hurt. But Max was stubborn and went in after the thugs. Shadow went to go after him, but as it turned out, There was no one there. He looked around for any subtle clues or hints, only to find nothing. As he was getting ready to leave, all Max could hear was a loud bang, and an unseen force knocking Max down. Max couldn't recall anything else other than Shadow calling his name, the world fading to black.

(Joining Green Hills Zone Officers) When Max awoke, he was in the hospital of Green Hills' Resistance base, Mighty the Armadillo there to greet him. He explained he was working late that night with Amy in the Resistance base, assisting with the hospital wing when Shadow suddenly appeared with a kid in his arms. They got him stablized and fixed up his wound, which was a shrapnel to the chest.. Mighty offered to take Max into his care and recruit him for the Zone Officers, a different squad that protects the zones along with the Resistance, and be able to keep criminals locked up and rehabbed to become a better person unless stated otherwise. Max hesitated at first, but with Shadow's advice, he accepted the offer, and after he had left the hospital, quickly became a rookie under Commander Mighty's squad along with the captain Jules Hedgehog.

Shortly after Jules moved away to Waywind, and then the mission happened where Jules had lost his legs in the process, He retired, and Mighty became captain, and began to push the squads harder in order for the best of the team to become the new commander. Max had befriended Kei and Noona once again, only discovering that Noona was Mighty's little sister, and dating Kei. Kei and Max became dormmates in the Headquarters, where they discovered that Max may be related to them. After lengthy tests, they determined that Max was in fact related to Kei, and that he was the kidnapped baby. Since then, Max switches between the dorms and being at the Pace's house (His biological family) along with his parents Julissa and Rio, brothers Leon and Kei, and twin little sisters Mei and Maya. He often protected his siblings, making sure they were safe going to school and back while he and Kei worked. He had a relationship, but the girl had cheated on him, making him be distraught and pushed away any feelings.

(Francouer, Guardian of Heart) One day, Max was called in with Noona and Kei by Mighty to do a Search and Rescue with a rookie from the Resistance. As he was entering the building, he had accidentally bumped into Soliel, a yellow hedgehog who was new to Green Hills. He didn't know how to feel about her, due to her bubbly personality. When he entered the meeting room, he was surprised to see Soliel in there as well, revealing she was the rookie who was joining them on their mission. Noona and Kei recognized Soliel, and had welcomed her to the team, although Max didn't know how to react, just remaining quiet and collected. They arrived to Mystic Ruins, where they entered the ancient temple to find the missing explorers that went missing recently. After splitting into teams (Noona and Soliel, Max and Kei), they were quick to find the explorers down different paths. As they were getting ready to leave, Max saw a glimpse of light coming from a wall, the hedgefox then touched the wall to see if it was a hidden door. Only to find out the temple shook immensively, the team quickly evacuated to return back to the Resistance base. However, upon returning, Max and Soliel had a huge fever and rendered them exhausted. They were escorted to the hospital wing, where Max slept for five days. When he woke up, he discovered a ghost-like wolf in his hospital room. The wolf introduced himself as Francouer, Guardian of Heart. He was able to dualize and manipulate hearts to change minds of those who are affected, and has ghost-like abilities such as flying and going invisible.

Shortly after getting cleared by the hospital and Mighty, Max returned to work and was able to explain the situation to Mighty and his friends about Francouer. Shadow reveals that he knew about this happening, due to an old file written by an ex-agent before he disappeared. Max of course, wants to find out more of this file, and so Max and Shadow team up together to infiltrate G.U.N to check out the files. Testing his new ability, Max dualizes with Shadow, which enabled him to be within Shadow, and go undetected with G.U.N. As they arrive, Shadow manages to sneak into the records and looking for the folder that had the information. After looking for it, Shadow sucessfully finds the folder, but is stopped by a soldier walking in. After a calm conversation, and that Shadow was just doing Rouge's paperworks, the soldier left without any problems, and the two quickly head out. Due to it being encrypted, Shadow would have to wait for Rouge or Omega to unlock it, much to Max's dismay. Max has long since forgotten about this, but Omega shortly gets it decoded, and it's revealed that the one who wrote about Francouer, Luminara, and how they knew Max and Soliel had it was Jules, an ex GUN-Agent. Shadow chose to not tell Max, until Max remembered one day, in which Shadow had to pull him aside. After telling him, Shadow advised to not tell the Hedgehog siblings, which causes Max to fall silent at times when around Sonic and Soliel. Eventually he does tell them, but sometimes beats himself up for it by going silent again, much to Soliel's dismay.

Shortly after the infiltration of the GUN, Sonic noticed the one-sided rivalry that was going on, and tricks Max into doing a 'solo mission' retrieving old artifacts for Amy. Upon showing up at the abandoned Eggman base, Max was shocked to find Soliel doing the same exact thing! He was quick to accuse her of eavesdropping on his and Sonic's conversation, but Soliel denies it, stating that Mighty was the one who enlisted her on this mission, collecting artifacts for him, not Amy. The two realized that they were in fact, not doing a solo mission, but was tricked into working together due to their 'rivalry'. At first, they didn't work together, Soliel playing along in the rivalry and not letting Max touch the artifacts. Max refutes by not telling her where they were going next on the map that he was given, often times going wrong ways to make Soliel confused. It's not until Max made a mistake that puts them both in a trap that they put their now playful rivalry aside. Max apologized for his behavior, Soliel forgiving him. He thought of just flying out of the trap, but Francouer reminded him that he couldn't do the same to Soliel, although for what reason, he didn't know except for 'Soliel seems to be sensitive to chaos energy'. Later, Max finds out she harbors Luminara, and the two can't fuse powers or use powers on each other until they master their abilities. Instead, Max makes the decision to hoist Soliel out of the trap, making himself stuck. Soliel instead, grabs Max's hands and pulls him out as well, the two safe. They shared a laugh about how stupid their rivalry was, Max explaining that he was only jealous that she was getting Sonic's attention while he was working hard on it, Soliel answering with 'Oh I only put up with him. I don't want Sonic's attention, but I can put good word about you!' Max was puzzled, but chose not to respond about it, instead smiling for the first time and offering a better friendship. The two return back to the base without the artifacts that were destroyed in the trap. Sonic and Mighty explained that they had put fake artifacts in there for them, pratically planting them for a fake mission, and that Sonic already gave Amy the real artifacts, Mighty not even needing them. As revenge, Soliel and Max played a prank on them that resulted in them getting in trouble and having to clean the Resistance base for a whole week.

After several months, Max and Soliel started getting along, and it's not long until one day, Max was hanging out with Noona, Kei, and Soliel that it rained. They retreated to a gazebo in the park and chatted for a while before Soliel teasingly jumps into a nearby puddle, drenching Max's shoes. At first, everyone was wondering what Max would do, before seeing Max jump into the same puddle, splashing Soliel. The two then ran around in the rain after each other before Soliel slips backwards, Max reaching out to catch her. When he caught her, a roar of thunder occured, the two making eye contact with each other. It's not until later that night when they all went home, Max realized he developed feelings for the hedgehog, which made him begin to avoid her, afraid she would leave him too like his previous relationship. He would schedule his work to be around the time she got on break, and when he had days off, he'd disappear or hide at home. Kei and Noona grew concerned, and even Sonic before they all interrogated him. He admits to them that he may have fallen for Soliel, which pushes the group to wingman them to be together, while they figure out their new powers. Max has a steady lifestyle, juggling with relationships, work, and his new skills, but with his friends, he's much determined to get through it all with them.


Rio Pace (Father) Rio is Max's father, and lead detective of the Chaotix. Rio is a dark brown fox. He organized himself to be leader so someone was able to stay back at the office while Team Chaotix is out and about. With Rio, he cares deeply for Max, and supports him through everything. He isn't one to be the judge type, but rather the one who lets his kids explore. Him and his beloved wife Julissa are the kindest mobians you'd meet, much to Max's delights. When Max was born, they were told that their baby did not survive. As it turned out, a kidnapper had took Max, pretending he was her child all along. Ever since then, Rio never settled with what happened to his child, but couldn't think of where to begin. He shifted his focus to his remaining kids until Max came over one day with Kei to sleep over, when Rio had a gut feeling Max was related to them. After intense research, and a DNA test, it's confirmed their suspicions and the family had a tearful reunion with Max. He teaches Max how to speak Japanese and to fish, as well as to solve puzzles and other logic games to keep his mind sharp.

Julissa Pace (Mother) Julissa is Max's mother, a tan hedgehog with olive skin, and speaks Spanish natively. She fell in love with Rio as she was a barista working at a coffeeshop, and Rio a Zone Officer. Shortly after the two married, Rio shifted from the officers to detective work, before starting the Chaotix Industry with his old friend Vector Crocodile. Eventually, Julissa gave birth to Leon, which then led to her four other kids, two sets of twins. She has a sweet personality, and loves to bake any dessert to match with it, but that doesn't mean she has a fiery side as well if you mess with her kids. She teaches Max Spanish and how to bake, while teaching him how to take care of his siblings. She helps Max keep his emotions in check, frequently being the one who is up with him after a panic attack sends him crying in the living room. It's more common to see her late at night with Max sleeping on her lap with her asleep with her arm over him protectively.

Leon Pace (Older Brother) Leon is Max's oldest brother and is a fox with hedgehog attributes, and is a very quiet person. He likes helping out with his parents and even helps with teaching Max Japanese and Spanish by using them along with English, helping Max further understand the languages. He was the one who hinted that Max might be related to the family, and that's what launched Rio to research. Leon also assists his dad at the Chaotix Agency with paperwork and holding the fort down. On occasion, you can find him in the chao gardens with Max and helping around the gardens.

Kei Pace (Irish Older Twin brother) Kei is Max's longtime best friend, and his twin. He's nine months older than Max, making them Irish twins. Unlike Max, Kei appears to be fully fox, with little to no hedgehog attributes. He became friends with Max unaware that they were siblings (Due to Max's kidnapping) when they were young kids, but lost contact when he moved away. After years of no contact, Max reemerged in Green Hill Zone, where he became Kei's roomate. It's not until they began telling similar stories that they found out they were friends, and then months later, found out that they were actually brothers. Since then, Kei has been Max's partner in crime, always being teamed up with him in everything from missions to night patrols. He's Noona's boyfriend, and a good friend of Soliel, even though he only had met her through face time. Kei is the one that Max confides into the most, especially when it comes to girl troubles. He's also the one that plans out the date for Max and Soliel, and him and Noona purposely not showing up to get them to be alone together, which ends up successful.

Mei Pace (Little Sister) Mei is Max's little sister, and the oldest twin of Maya (Five minutes apart). He tends to the two girls like they're his pride and joy. Mei is more of a fox like her dad with small attributes of her mom being a hedgehog. She's the rough and tough twin, opposite of the shy and sweet Maya. She often talks for her, and in comparison, the two girls are similar to Timmy and Tommy Nook from Animal Crossing. Max loves his sisters, and often is being the big brother by taking them to and from school, babysitting them on weekends at most, and even bringing them to work with him sometimes when he is called in.

Maya Pace (Little Sister)Maya is Max's little sister, and is the youngest twin of Mei (Five Minutes apart). She is very similar to Max, looking more hedgehog than fox, but has fox attributes. She's shy and sweet in opposition of her rough and tough sister Mei, and is often softspoken due to being the youngest of the family. Max doesn't pick favorites, but is often spending more time with Maya while Kei is with Mei. Sometimes Max sees her as himself when he was young, and promises to himself that he'll keep the girls safe and to grow in an environment that welcomes them with open arms. He easily gets embarassed however, when he brings Soliel around them, the girls always teasing and asking Max about his 'girlfriend'.

Noona Armadillo (Best friend)Noona is Max's best friend since they were kids, along with Kei. She has always been there for Max, and supports him through everything. When Max moved away, he lost contact with them before reuniting with them at the Zone Officers. Shortly afterwards, Noona began dating Kei, and has been trying to help Max find someone that "Wont leave your heart on the ground in pieces". When Soliel moves to Green Hills and reunites with Noona, the gears start turning as she realizes Soliel might just be the solution... The only question she had was whether or not Max would fall for Soliel too.

Soliel Hedgehog (Best friend/girlfriend)Soliel is one of Max's best friends, who later is his girlfriend. When they first met, Soliel and Max had accidentally bumped into each other prior to meeting up for the mission for the temple. At first, he thought of her as a 'bubbly rival', where he felt like he had to outshine her due to her sudden attention from Mighty and even Sonic the hedgehog himself! Later on, due to the 'rivalry' (For it was one-sided, and Soliel actually thought he was her new friend),

Fun facts

  • Max's name is Maximino Takeshi Pace, which loosely translates to "The greatest warrior for peace".
  • He has been in a previous relationship, but ended terribly prior to meeting Soliel.
  • In his free time, Max visits Angel Island with Knuckles and helps tend to the shrine, and practices his guitar and Japanese with him.
  • He is closer to Shadow, Silver, Mighty, and Knuckles, but spends majority of his time with Mighty and Knuckles, Shadow being a close second.
  • When he's home, Max spends time babysitting his twin little sisters, and tells them stories about his job. They like the story of how he met Soliel more however.
  • Max speaks English and Spanish fluently, but is still learning Japanese by his family. He gets frustrated with it easily, and so at night, his mom speaks only in Spanish to him while they make snacks together before watching movies to put Max to sleep, something he grew accustomed to doing when he reunited and moved back in with his family.
  • Max is 75 percent hard of hearing due to the loud sharp sound an explosion That went off early thanks to Balor, and has developed a fear of loud noises, and Tails invented an ear piece that will not bother Max when he wears it, which is practically invisible to everyone.
  • Max also has resting days where he doesn't speak at all and only communicates in Sign Language. His family is learning the language with him, Kei and their parents being the fluent ones in communications.
  • Max has frequent nightmares about the explosion, and even his near death, and digs his claws into his shoulders as he hugs himself tightly.
  • Hidden in his golden bracelet on his left wrist is a shell bracelet. He made one for Soliel, who in return made him one at the same time. Max learned it from Sonic, who made one for Amy, while Soliel learned from Amy, who told her about the story of the shell bracelet, and made Sonic one. Max protects his bracelet in his golden ones, making a shield for it.
  • When Max and Soliel meet, Max doesn't like her at first, explaining that 'She's too bubbly..'. In reality, Max was scared of getting close to someone again thanks to Balor.
  • He went from cold and silent to warm and talkative, explaining that 'Soliel brightened my life, and I hope I do the same for her'.
  • Soliel gave him the bandana after he expressed stress from seeing the scars from Balor and the explosions.


  • Morality Manipulation and Inversions
  • Dualize
  • Posession/Indomitable Will