Roma Santo



6 years, 10 months ago


ROMA(rō · mə)

AGE:70+ Star DatesSPECIES:Part of "The Collective"
HOMEWORLD:EarthRESIDENCE:East Harlem, New York
PHYSICALITY: In human form, Roma is a 7-foot tall, gangly Italian-American man. He has light skin, musty purple eyes with pink flecks, and a general boyish demeanor. His hair is jet black and shaven on the sides and back, but the top part is wild and untamed a curly mass. He usually wears the same maroon leather coat and otherwise casual 2000s wear. In his natural form, he is a hand-sized, gelatinous nugget. He has four legs with four human-like hands, as well as one giant eyeball. His eyeball is the same coloration as his human form, but his "skin", for lack of a better word, is a lighter purple also with pink flecks. He has a mouth with semi-pointy teeth and a large musty purple tongue.
PERSONALITY: Generally good-natured and optimistic, his strongest traits are his capacity for love and compassion. He likes to take care of the people around him in every sense of the phrase. He's also known to be very impulsive and childlike, given that his emotional maturity is about on par with a human teenager. Most of the time he is either boyishly excited, crying over something nonsensical, helping an old lady with her groceries, eating something inedible, or taking in 50 homeless cats.

HISTORY: Roma is a part of "The Collective", or as he calls them, Ombre. His creation among them was interrupted before he could take a proper physical form, and he was sent aimlessly through the multi-verse until he landed on Earth, in 1945. He ended up outside of an Italian restaurant in East Harlem, where he was discovered by his soon-to-be adoptive eldest brother. Taking on the same physical qualities of his brother, he transformed into a human baby, and was taken in by the Santos.

Roma's natural ability to replicate human growth allowed him to grow up among his adoptive family appearing from the outside as just another church-going Italian boy. From the inside, however, his adoptive family was very aware of his alien nature. He didn't bleed when cut or scraped, didn't use the restroom or the most part shower, didn't need to eat or sleep (albeit he did anyway.) He also heard and saw Ombre, despite them not being able to. Despite his family never coming to understand him or his nature fully, they loved him in fullness and passed that ability onto him.

The relationship he had with Ombre growing up was one of mistrust and miscommunication. From their point of view, they wanted to find a way to bring him back to themselves and permanently rejoin with him. From his point of view they were his own personal spooky ghosts that said a lot of very rude things. They both couldn't explain his nature and themselves to Roma in a way he could comprehend, and he also grew to be unwilling to listen to them for many, many years. He only started to grow closer to them after he faked his death.

Going into the '70s, Roma realized that his growth had stagnated somewhere in his 20s. He wasn't going to age like the rest of his family. In 1978, with the help of his baby sister Aletto, he faked his death and started living outside of conventional society. The only ones who knew he was still alive were his immediate relatives. Upon taking on an unofficial life, Roma took to taking under-the-counter jobs and squatting in places most people couldn't live in. By the 2000s, he settled into an abandoned warehouse building that he started taking care of street cats in.

Coming into the 2010s, most of Roma's immediate relatives were either already laid to rest or going to pass themselves. Aletto, who'd grown to have serious health problems early on in life, had been moved to a nursing home. Roma visited her almost every day there for years, posing as a distant relative. He was extremely lonely, having no other friends he could share the details and dilemas of his life with for a very long time. That, however, didn't stay that way forever.

In a twist of fate, or the year 2013, he bumped into a young woman named Amya Sotir. She was small and angry and pretty rude, and given time, she became the first person Roma could open up to in a long time. Unlike most of the humans on Earth she'd had her fair share of experience with magic and other worlds, having been trapped in a dream world for a spell. Since she had only recently returned to Earth, she had nowhere to live, and ended up moving in with him. A few years later and they were best friends.

The events of Home On Earth take place starting in 2015.