Anthea Ravenwood



2 years, 11 months ago


Full Name: Anthea Ravenswood   |   Nicknames: Ant   |   Species: Cutiefly [Shiny]

Age: 15 years old   |   DOB: November 12th, 2005   |   Height: 5'0"   |   Weight: 100 lbs 

Gender: Bigender   |    Sexuality: ??? (Queer)   |   Pronouns: She/Her/They

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Weapon(s): An Icepick that Anthea scavenged from the kitchen's of her house. She mainly uses it to cut fabrics and generally look really intimidating with it as she silently stares at you. Ha yet to actually stab another person, or thing though.

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Faction: Ashramsa

Job: Apprentice

Level: 5 

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Nature: Naïve

Characteristic: Highly Curious

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Ability: Sweet Veil

"Sweet Veil prevents this Pokémon and its allies from falling asleep, for example from moves like Hypnosis."

This ability allows Ant to wake up any character from their slumber, regardless of if this character is a deep sleeper (although there may be some delay). This ability turns Ant into anyone's personal alarm clock. However, this ability can often backfire preventing others from sleeping and causing sleep deprivation for her target and herself. 

For now Anthea can only wake people up. Her abilities can better be summed up as sleep manipulation/inducement. Unknowingly she can sometimes make people yawn around her. This is about the extent of the control of her abilities.

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||  STR: 1  || + ||  DEX:  6  || + || END: 4  || +|| INT: 2  || + ||  CHA: 2  ||

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Personality: Naïve / Highly Curious
Optimistic + Imaginative + Honest + Empathetic
Observant >Mellow
Impulsive -  Clingy - Forgetful - Independent to a fault 

Anthea is a bundle of joy trapped within a mellow and observant shell. Her mind is a bomb of colors, creativity and imagination. Because of how she grew up, she has learned to keep most of her thoughts inside and usually doesn't voice any of her thoughts. She enjoys being in the presence of others and silently hates being alone. Friendly and outgoing, Anthea is optimistically over-trusting. She has no trouble trusting others, and often clings to practical strangers like as if they were long-lost siblings. Being so social has made Anthea a very empathetic person. The small antennas hanging from her head can actually point her to those who are feeling very strong emotions. 

Her intelligence is average, and she typically relies more on her gut than her head. [Head empty vibes]. As such, she often gets into trouble because her impulsive and curious nature leads her to dangerous situations. This paired with her forgetful nature leads to a dangerous combination that gets her lost often. If you ever need someone to remember important information, don't trust Anthea. Likes to do her own thing and wander to whatever captures her interest. Because of this, Anthea is also Independent to a fault. She prefers to be a master of her own fate, and as a result can ignore rules to instead do her own thing. 

Anthea Ravenswood is the daughter of an affluential family that made their fortune selling rich perfumes and colognes. Her parents were both very distant, rarely spending time with their two daughter's. In their own words they didn't have time to "do something as frivolous as playing with children." As such, both Anthea and her older sister by two years spent much time together, becoming practically joined at the hip; many have thought they were twins as they grew up. 

The two grew up with impractical expectations to carry on the family business to greater heights and attend the most prestigious of schools. Her older sister showed great promise, getting stellar grades and being the top of her class and orchestra. Anthea, however, was a bit slow, achieving barely average in her education and showing little promise in "sophisticated" talents. Although both parents consistently threw snide, and hurtful comments at the both of them, the older sibling was clearly favored. After coming in third in a cello competition, the mother believed that Anthea was distracting and bringing down the older sibling. Because of this reasoning, the older sibling was sent to a private school overseas. Although inside Anthea still remains an optimistic, imaginative, and quirky kid, all that joy found it's home locked inside a more mellow, silent, and observant personality. 


After her sister left for an oversea private school, Anthea was home-schooled by private tutors over the course of the next year. The parents were away on a business trip when the rapture shook the world. Anthea blinked, and her normally strict tutor disappeared without a trace. At first, she was curious. She walked around the large, manor, the small taps of her feet echoing across the now empty house. Of all the servants, maids, and cooks that once worked around the Ravenwood Manor, none of them survived. Alone, truly for the first time and not knowing what had happened, Anthea merely smiled to herself sadly, pretending that this was all a game: one that would quickly turn into one of survival. She found her family's bunker and stayed there for her own safety. Since the rapture, Anthea has remained there only venturing out when her own (dumb) curiosity forced her out of hiding.

Guardian History  |  Guardian: Vega by Skelephobe

Vega and their group travel arrive at the Ravenwood mansion to stop and rest for the night. After scoping the area they determined that the place had been thoroughly looted and mostly destroyed. Settling down for the night, Vega and the others drift into an aimless sleep only to be awoken suddenly (by Ant's Sweet Veil ability). They scramble to find the source of the noise only to find a pale "ghost" staring at them from across the room. They chase the "ghost" cornering them in a previously undiscovered bunker. They realize that the ghost is not a ghost at all but the daughter of the mansion. 

Ant joins the party! +1 child. 


As of now, Anthea is one of the newest members of the Ashrama family. She and the rest of the group have only arrived and settled down there for no more than a couple months. Luckily for Anthea there is a *lot* to explore within the Ashrama forest. She never took to schooling well, so she instead spends most of her time flitting between different people, watching them throughout the day curiously as an apprentice or wandering into the forest head empty, finding her way back at odd hours of the day.
Like her parents schooled her, Anthea is well adapted at creating new and sweet-smelling fragrances and perfumes. She always enjoyed experimenting with new, and weird, aromas but her parents had always discouraged such "chaotic" behavior. Now, she creates many different perfumes with names like: "I know we haven't met but can we get coffee?" (reference lol) and "Falling down a muddy ravine on a rainy day." As someone within Ashrama, Anthea is very interested in using the natural plants around her to create her specialized fragrances.


-Unknowing to both Anthea, Anthea is Blue/Green color-blind (tritanopia). Her parents knew but refused to acknowledge that one of their daughters was "sick" or "not-normal". They never told Anthea. Her older sister caught on to it, attempted to correct it, but stopped after it was clear the younger Anthea didn't understand. She wanted to tell her again after Anthea turned 13 but never got the chance to.
-Because of this, Anthea describes her world as "seeing auras" since the world is basically black and white besides the clothing people wear. The more red a character wears, the more Anthea is instinctually drawn to them.
-A good judge of character.
-Anthea actually has wings but they are damaged from years of being buckled down to her back. Her parents, realizing that Anthea's flight abilities could cause her to fall from large heights, decided to buy a harness and strap her wings indefinitely to her back for "safety". The tight and rough harness ultimately caused the frail fairy-like wings to fracture. As this was always part of her life, Anthea doesn't mind this and considers it "normal".
-Both Anthea and her older sister come from a line of shiny-type Pokémon. As such, she has never really thought much of the differences.
-The Ravenwood Manor is located at the edge of Ashrama territory. Scouts have looked through the manor but at the time, scared and afraid of looters before, Anthea was hidden in the family secret bunker. She hid out there for three days before being sure that whoever it was looking around her abandoned home was gone. 

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Player's Name: Clover! :DDDD
Player's Pronouns: They/Them

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Shipping: Yes I'm very comfortable in shipping! Hahaha, I'm laughing just thinking of someone handling Anthea's spontaneous personality.

RP Preferences: I like any type of RP! Everyone has such a unique writing style and I love seeing that! I personally write a lot but that's just my personal preference! :]