Victor Tiarnach



2 years, 11 months ago


"I guess I'm scared that I'm imaginary
That I invent myself every day, so other people don't have to
That who I really am is secondary to what I want everyone else to see
And I'm scared that I'm crazy, but God help me, I'm twice as scared I'm sane"

Victor Tiarnach

Gay rights? No, gay wrongs.
"Oh good i get to explain this to you! you will regret this"
Full Name Victor Tiarnach
Ethnicity Irish
Gender Cis Male - he/him
Orientation Gay
Date of Birth October 31, 19XX
Age 29

Bright, loud, and sarcastic – Victor has an impossible-to-ignore presence (whether you want to or not). The authenticity of his demeanor can be debatable, but genuine or not, he strives to be a fun, pleasant person to be around. Enjoys being flirty and physically affectionate with most people, especially friends, though amusingly will clam up in embarrassment at earnest inquiry into his personal sex life. Slept around regularly before meeting Charles, and made an intentional effort not to sleep with the same person twice if he could help it.

Despite his warm, outgoing personality Victor actively endeavors to keep most folks at arms length and has few true, close connections (Charles, Sasha, and Gerry being his closest circle). For those who manage to weasel their way in, the cracks in the façade are glaring in spite of his staunch refusal to acknowledge (or outright deny) them. A firm believer in "fake it 'til you make it" at least regarding his own life.

Born County Galway, Ireland – Nov 1, 19XX
Residence Chelsea, London, UK
Occupation Archival Investigator
Education BA in Mythology & Occultism, unfinished
Alignment The Eye, partially The ■■■■■■


Height 6'0"/6'2" in boots
Build Thin but reasonably athletic
Eye colour Pale grey-blue
Hair colour Dark red-brunet, can appear black

Faceclaim: Garrett Hedlund

Incredibly fair complexion though oddly immune to sunburn or overheating, covered in bursts of freckles.

His hair is a deep reddish but can be easily read as black depending upon the lighting. He's grown it long (little longer than shoulder length) and keeps it pulled back in a low ponytail almost exclusively. The texture is a mix of curls and waves that can easily get unruly if he doesn't tend to it (which, in all honesty, he generally doesn't).

He has a scar that cuts at an angle through his left eyebrow and stops just above the outer corner of his eye from an injury sustained while working. There are a number of faded, self-inflicted scars along his arms.

Puts in wildly varying levels of effort into his makeup, but rarely goes out without at least a new layer of eyeliner. Keeps his nails painted (generally black, occasionally a dark color instead) and will wear it until it's chipped to hell before repainting them.

Has a number of piercings and tattoos:
Left ear: two piercings in the lower lobe, industrial through the upper ear
Right ear: two piercings in lower ear, one in upper ear
Tongue piercing as well as both nipples pierced

Left hand: hamsa with red eye, hand-poked ogham with the Irish words for "teach", "protection", "luck", and "happiness" from pinky to pointer finger
Left palm: snake pierced through the mouth with a rapier-style sword – the blade extends onto his ring finger and the snake's tongue extends over his thumb. A solid red line down his middle finger. A stylized star and crescent moon on his pinky. A stylized sun on his pointer finger
Left arm: continuation of the snake that wraps up the entirety of his arm ending in a coil around his left shoulder. An eye is at the center of the coil
Back: long hand-poked ogham down the length of his spine, unknown

Wears a collection of chunky rings that swap out randomly. A mix of thrifted antiques and cheap mass-produced ones that fit his vibe.

Handedness Right-handed
Songs ——————————
The Mask & The Mirror — Poor Man's Poison
This December — Ricky Montgomery
Ghost Stories — The Narcissists Cookbook

  • Chain smoker, has a small collection of vintage lighters
  • Equal parts coffee & tea addict – has a small greenhouses worth of plants for making his own tea blends
  • Moderate to severe claustrophobia – terrified of elevators
  • Moderate face blindness, has improved over time
  • Co-parents a Spiral-aligned black cat with Charles that manifested in their flat one day – his name is Lawrence
Charles Robinson | Partner, Accidentally In Love
Technically met during Victor's first summer internship at the Institute, but only properly acquainted 3.5 years later. Originally a situationship that accidentally grew feelings, Victor wasn't aware they were dating until Charles pointed it out.
Sasha James | WLW-MLM Solidarity
His dearest friend beside Charles, he'd trust Sasha with his life in a heartbeat – she's like a sister to him. They survived the Prentiss Siege together, but only barely, after a nightmarish, terrifying run-in with the NotThem. Who doesn't love some good old fashioned trauma bonding!
Gerry Keay | Goth Awakening, Lingering Crush
Victor didn't have much in the way of unique personal style before meeting Gerry, and felt the first inklings of real connection after being introduced. Sasha jokes that Victor imprinted on him like a duckling. Though the crush wasn't returned Gerry recognized a kindred spirit in Victor (in multiple ways) and took him under his wing after meeting during Victor's first internship. They've remained close and Victor views him as something vaguely familiar, much like with Sasha.
Tim Stoker | Token Straight ("We Know He's Bi")
A good friend but not someone Victor would trust or think to turn to in a pinch. They like to razz on each other during work and after hours when they'll meet for drinks with other coworkers. Victor likes to tease him for being the token straight (being fully aware this is not true). Has still managed to goad him into a few rounds of gay chicken – wouldn't date him, but hey, Victor isn't blind either.