☆ anastasia ☆



6 years, 10 months ago


Basic info: Anastasia was originally born in a house full of prosperity; both of her parents were rich doctors who had way too much money. They never meant to have Anastasia (whoops); they only meant to have one child (Amaline).  However, when Anastasia was born, they quickly cast her off to the nearest orphanage and never looked back. Anastasia grew up learning the hardships of life and never relented when she was blamed for something she didn't do. The other ponies often made fun of her for her blond hair, which looked almost white if you didn't look hard enough, but Anastasia merely kept to herself and kept working. Soon, when she was 14, she ran away, tired of hearing insults over and over again. She ended up in Equestria, but wandered too far into the worst parts and was stuck there. Therefore, she had to fend for herself on the streets. Later, she ended up meeting her sister again by working with a band of crooks after needing a job. It is later revealed that Anastasia has dyscalculia, where she can not compute with numbers very well. 

Personality: The most innocent one in the group, and is rather considerate. She is also very shy, and speaks only when she has to. Anastasia specializes in making bombs and explosions; therefore, she is very curious and contemplative. She prefers reading to math, because of her disability. She is the youngest in the band of crooks.

Money spent: $7.85