(HOLD)'s Comments

haii!! im so sorry to bother, but i was curious on what offers you might want for this fella? ^^ i can offer cash or art, or even OCs if that interests you!!
cash value is up to you, and im very negotiable on the amount of art in exchange! whatever you deem is fair <3

examples of what i offer are on the far left, i'd offer anything up to a fullbody!
other art examples are in my TH gallery ^__^

omg i ADORE your art!! id love two fullbodies if that seems fair? https://toyhou.se/2663761.-beijing- https://toyhou.se/18095500.-alto- one of each of these dudes :3

YEASS I ABSOLUTELY CAN!! I LOVE these characters holy cow they're rad!!! <3 <3

Once I have sketches down for them both, I'll PM you so you can verify that they look good and if you want any changes made!! ^__^ EEE thank youu!!

no problem!! take ur time and dont feel rushed at all btw i can hold this design for as long as you need :3 also if you'd prefer my discord to send me the sketches lmk!! <3

YEAA actually!! What's ur discord!! I can get these sketches sent to you asap! :D

my discord is kaelan#0666 :3