Nyoom the Noivern



2 years, 11 months ago


Nyoom as a Noibat and a Noivern. Docile nature. Aspiring sorceress.

Nyoom  started out as the most underestimated goth girlie ever. No one on the  team wanted to let her fight, and definitely not alone. Zyang, the  sneasel, constantly complained that they should have a flying type that  can do something in a fight, and Sparrow almost, aalmost, started to  consider switching her out. Not that Sparrow didn’t love Nyoom dearly,  but he thought she wasn’t the fighter they needed in the team. Being all  docile and non-complaint, Nyoom sat on the sidelines, cheering on her  teammates, but secretly hoping to get to fight, too. Then it happened.  Zyang, the most hard-hitting member of the team, fainted in a  battle against a pancham. Nyoom quickly leapt into battle, yelled  something about type advantage, and gusted the fierce battle bear back  to blackout. When Zyang woke up and heard the story, she could hardly  believe the little pushover noibat had it in her. Zyang told Nyoom to  keep growing that spine, it fit her;and Sparrow to never let her off the  team, ever. Nyoom then proceeded to have the highest level on the team  for a long time.

As a Noivern, she has become a lot more sure of  herself and her powers. She summons razor sharp winds to maim her  enemies like it’s nothing. In fact, she has decided she wants to become a  master sorceress. One day she will learn the secrets of dragonfire, and  she will control it like no other. Her teammates are so very glad to be  on her side.