I'm willing to do an art exchange with you, if you want ^^

examples of my art

Hello!! I’d love to draw some art for you! ;00


Sweet who would you like to draw and what are your prices. We could do an art trade if you wanted, I'd be willing to do art for characters too! Anyone outside of my sonas are up if you would like to look, I can not do money at the moment!

I’d love to draw Ekubo, he’s really pretty!! And in return could you possibly draw this girl? https://toyhou.se/11142585.zhora-harper What type of art form are we drawing (fullbodies, headshots, etc.)?

I would love to draw a full body of that gal! She looks so cool!

Aww!! Thank you! Alright! I’ll send a fullbody of Ekubo straight to his character gallery hopefully sometime this week. :)

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Thant would be fantastice, you can choose from these characters to draw! https://toyhou.se/Kyler_Malfoy/characters/folder:2053016

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Okie! Let me know what you would like for payment and I'll send it over, I can't do money though :(

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My sonas, you may pick which ever one you would like to do! I can pay in characters or art for you, I can't do money

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To draw yea, sorry if that was confusing!

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