


3 years, 20 days ago


༺ Name: Wrenwhisper

༺ Gender: Male

༺ Age: 24 moons

༺ Clan: CoveClan

༺ Rank: Warrior

༺ Sexual Orientation: Unlabelled/Queer

༺ Personality: As a kit, Wrenwhisper was a shy and nervous kit. He was cautious and hesitant, believing that every new thing was dangerous. He had a hard time trusting anyone but his family. As he grew up, he eventually grew out of some of these traits. Wrenwhisper was still incredibly shy and antisocial at times, but gained confidence with the help of his outgoing sister. His trust is still relatively difficult to obtain, but he does enjoy making acquaintances and friends out of those that surround him. He enjoys interacting with his clanmates, and can get quite giddy when seeing his friends. Wrenwhisper often finds that actions speak louder than words, and expresses his affection and admiration that way. He is also quite apologetic, hating the idea of getting in trouble. This roots back to his kithood, when he often apologized for the antics that his sister got up to, even if he had little to no part in it. To cats he’s close to, Wrenwhisper has great ambitions and strives to be a good cat, but his personality can tend to weigh him down. He inherited his kind and caring nature from his own mother, Cherrydawn, often expressing those traits in mothering the cats he cares for. Wrenwhisper often chastises a specific tom very close to him about his unkempt fur and troublesome tendencies, but he enjoys the quiet times where he gets to sit down and take care of him, grooming his messy fur. It's a weakness of his!

༺ History: Wrenwhisper was born to Cherrydawn and Durianrunner with one sibling, Appleblossom. His father, early on in his life, decided fatherhood wasn't for him, pulling away from Cherrydawn and her kits. He kept his distance from them. Wrenwhisper honestly never found him missing Durianrunner's presence; he had all he needed in Cherrydawn and Appleblossom.  His kithood was quite eventful, especially with Appleblossom around. A troublemaker of her own degree, she dragged a hardly willing Wrenkit all around camp, causing mischief and getting in trouble. Wrenkit never minded; he loved playing with his beloved sister! Even if it meant a tongue lashing from his mother. Attached at the hip, Wrenkit and Applekit hardly left each other's sides. It was during his apprenticeship that Wrenpaw was forced to come out of his shell and speak to cats other than his family. Applepaw was often busy, and his mentor constantly encouraged him to hang out with the other apprentices. Much to his dismay, he became a bit of a social cat, though he still loves the times when he gets to sit around quietly by himself or with his closest cats. Eventually, after becoming a warrior, he became close to another newly-appointed warrior: Woollyburr. It seemed like all his antisocial, recluse tendencies went out the window when with Woollyburr. He was easy to talk to, charming (to Wrenwhisper), and quite kind. He is content with how his life is now, even though he sometimes itches for more from a certain someone.

༺ Likes: Flowers, his sister, his mother, soft sand that’s been warmed by the sun, Woollyburr.

༺ Dislikes: Being yelled at, talking to abrasive cats, socializing around strange, unfamiliar, and unfavorable cats.

༺ Fears: Being shunned by the few cats he lets close to his heart.