Owen Mariano



2 years, 10 months ago


owen mariano. thirty-two. 5'8. trans man — he/him. bisexual. bull mastiff and carolina dog mix. ex-actor. author wannabe. currently working as a stocker at a grocery store. high school dropout because of his drug use. left his home in north carolina at seventeen to pursue a career in acting in los angeles, it petered out in his mid twenties due to his drug use. returned home to write a novel. moved again to find natural inspiration, DEFINITELY not because his mom kicked him out because he was being an accidental leech. he has yet to write that novel. is growing pot in his bathroom and sells it but it kinda always fucks so who cares. always stoned. he burns bridges liberally and accidentally despite being a fairly stellar friend until Something happens and he acts like the biggest bastard. ride or die at his own expense to those who stick around. very passive. bit of a pushover. thinks he's hot shit. up to no good. talks real slowly with very little change in tone. wishes he could be better but wishing never matters, does it? wears egregious clothing. very used to being used. 

moodboard. playlist.