Arashi Agatsuma



3 years, 6 days ago


Full Name: Arashi Agatsuma

Gender & Pronouns: Male; He/Him

Age: 24

DOB: May 2

Nationality: Japanese

Height: 5'0", 153 cm

Occupation: 7/11 Employee / Onnagata performer

Arashi is a willowy man. He lacks body fat or any real muscle, being narrow and unassuming in crowds. He keeps his hair cropped over the shoulders, and it’s obviously cut by himself at home. 

He has a variety of old scars and injuries from years past littered across his being. As far as his fashion is concerned, he tends to wear skirts, pants, boots, and oversized sweaters. On occasion, he’ll bust out a kimono when the weather’s nice, but for day to day life, he looks like his reference image- muted colors, and concealing layers.

At first glance, Arashi seems to be pretty cold. He never seems to want to be around others, barely making eye contact or wanting to talk.

On getting him to converse with you, you'll quickly find his capacity for being polite is short lived.

He has an incredibly foul mouth. Arashi gets creative with his rude words, snarling his profanities.

He doesn't smile. He doesn't laugh. And he does NOT like people. Arashi hasn't exhibited a strong positive emotion in 20 years, and that isn't an exaggeration. His mom teases him, saying that he stayed so short because he never smiled. Rude!

At his core, Arashi has a soft spot for people who seem… kind of clueless. For naïve people, for children, for the elderly- he's not outwardly hostile, preferring to try and be patient and help when he can.

In his soul, he's a good person. He's defensive, sure, but he's someone who has spent his life in hell, and can't quite come to terms with being in a better position in his life.

Arashi hasn't smiled in 20 years. That's not me being hyperbolic, he just hasn't. Or laughed. Or experienced an openly positive emotion.

Arashi Agatsuma is his mother's rage distilled into a single person. Every feeling she could never convey, every sensation that 'life could be better', every time she looked at her children in distress over bringing them into such a hostile environment… He feels it like a weight, making it his mission to keep his mother safe, to convey what she can't. And, of course, his sister too, but… she can take care of herself.

He doesn't like people. That's already been said, but it's something that needs to be repeated.

He's uncomfortable with 1 on 1 conversations, and tends to avoid them wholly in favor of group discussions, should that be a necessity- to communicate, that is.


Tubthumping: I get knocked down, but I get up again. Arashi can withstand a lot. It takes some serious effort to get Arashi to back down from anything when he’s set his mind to it, be it a physical challenge, or a mental one. Most notably, though, this is talking about his physical durability. He might not be strong whatsoever, but he is durable.

Hand / Eye Coordination: Years of playing competitive DDR have left Arashi with exquisite hand-eye coordination. Or… foot-eye? It- he has good coordination, okay? Wait, there's also the Beat Saber proficiency. So, maybe we can say hand-eye. The point is, he's active, he's coordinated, and he's good at throwing things.

Compassion: There seems to be an unending well of patience in Mr. Agatsuma’s soul. …For the right people. If he’s deemed someone to be a worthless pain in the ass, forget about it. However, if you show an ounce of naivete or kindness for others, he’ll stand up for you.


What’s Up, I’m Jared: Arashi is Dyslexic and never received proper help, and as a result, can’t translate the written word into anything with a meaning. When something is printed upside down, he has a better chance of being able to read it, but he can’t exactly write well, barely scraping by through all of his classes for 12 years. This extends to being able to legibly write his own name, in Japanese or English, and be able to read it.

Cynical: Arashi lacks trust in the world at large and its ability to care for those who are vulnerable. 

Disagreeable: Chances are, Arashi isn’t going to be willing to work well with others. He has a tendency to be hostile and act of his own volition, neglecting others in favor of working for himself, when outside of a formal work setting. 

Likes: Arcade games, cold weather, Enka music, birds

Dislikes: Walking up hills, long conversations, strawberry milk, dogs

Extra Information:

Tarot: Judgement

Deadly Sin: Wrath
