
═ » ✧ ♥ [ Delthea ] ♥ ✧ « ═

- About her -

Name: Delthea

Species: Fox/Tiger Hybrid?

Age: 14

Hight: 1.50

Weight: very lightly

Sexuallity: --

Charakter: bright | cheerful | a bit selfish | little girl | loves her brother

Likes: beeing free | laugh | fun | naging | annoying her brother

Dislikes: mean people | people that try to use her because of her magical power

Family: Luthier (Older brother)

Related to other Charakters: follows

 Other Infos: Delthea is naturaly gifted with magic, despite this fact she's not interested in training her abilitys. She only want to live a normal life.