


3 years, 5 days ago




The Outside

Twenty One Pilots

A moody dhole who dislikes people, tolerates his retail job, and keeps the mysterious creature he found living under the docks a secret...

He's left home in recent years, happy to be rid of his father, and has been trying to find steady work anywhere he can. His work ethic usually keeps him employed, but he's always wishing he could be hired as an editor or writer more than anything.

His siblings are unsavory characters that will take advantage of Porter if he's not careful and have already drug him into more than a few ordeals.
While Porter tends to be a cynic, his will to prove people wrong is stronger. Being around people like his dad and older siblings often causes him to be obstinately upstanding in contrast.

One fateful evening, down by the local docks, he encountered an otherworldly beast and was given a few scars (due to what was later regarded as a misunderstanding).
The few people he mistakenly told about the incident didn't believe him and humiliated him. Porter would rather pretend he lost a fight than have people think he invented such a tall tale for attention, so he stays quiet about it.
Sigma is a being of few (telepathic) words. Due to him being part spirit he is usually able to phase in and out of the living realm to avoid being seen. To Porter's dismay Sigma began appearing on Porter’s walks, at his place of work, and his house. Though this supernatural guardianship is turning out to be a huge benefit to Porter given that he's been stumbling into increasingly strange and other-worldly entities and areas. Reality-bending liminal spaces litter his town more and more and it's not uncommon to have trouble escaping them or even have run ins with their enigmatic wandering entities.

Most people kinda, Perky...ness, Heat/hot weather, Crowds, Pitty


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More info

His upbringing was quite rough, mostly due to his father’s frequent harsh words and criticism - Porter's cynical demeanor and sarcastic language is more or less a symptom of his treatment and is one of the reasons he values friends over family.

He has an older stepbrother, and sister, whom he didn't grow up with. Both of which are jointly involved in criminal businesses and will often propose the idea of a sort of family partnership to Porter, though he constantly tries to distance himself from such affairs.

Books and writing were and still is his escape as they have occasionally been his only source of encouragement as well as a form of expression.

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