


6 years, 11 months ago


Spud might not be the brightest or the fastest but he is one coot potato.

His natural habitat are riverbanks where he hunts for fish, using an air bladder located in his squishy round belly to stay afloat in the wild water. He can eat fish that are up to twice his size thanks to his big mouth and elastic skin. He is a very docile creature that waddles around on his stubby legs, often basking in the sun after a meal. He is also very trusting, often walking up to strangers to investigate. Which sadly caused him to be caught by a certain creepy bug dragon with bad intentions.

The skin on his back is bumpy and warty but smooth, like a toad's. The skin on his belly is super smooth and squishy and has a slightly jelly look to it. He has protective plating on his legs and small webbed claws to swim and hold onto rocks when searching for food. The heavy club on the end of his tail is mostly used for stunning big fish before dragging them out and swallowing them whole. It is also used as a kind of anchor while swimming. His wings are pretty much non functional except for maybe a bit of steering under water. He often flops out his brightly purple tongue as a way to say hello.