Crux Grormo



2 years, 11 months ago


80AG9Nt.jpgThe Hangman







Marital STA


Crux Grormo.

200 yrs.





492 lbs.


Red Six.





Physical Description

      Absolute unit. He boasts a pretty strong physique, is capable and healthy with the exception of some minor               head damage that throws him off balance sometimes. Large cracks down the center of his face plate. He is            usually draped in heavy, dark armor. Spike sets on his shoulders that gleam like oil on water.

Mental + Emotional

Hot headed, quick to anger, and boastful, you might be surprised to find out that despite his loud and often obnoxious behavior; he's been quite compassionate. He's very social and craves the company of others. Mostly not those who are Krogan. Most of his friends are Turian or Human. He doesn't care about the species but he does care about the opinions they might have of him.
Because of his loud personality and history of brash decisions, he's not feared as much as he's owed. You should be careful of him. He's a cunning killer when he needs to be.


No particular accent. Multilingual like most Krogans.


Crux is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to physical combat. His strength is renowned amongst other criminals on Omega and even other reaches of space. He became notorious for being able to strangle any man to death with a single hand, even breaking their neck or snapping their head clean off. With the exception of other Krogans.
However, he has an additional killer-- Harrah... his gigantic pulse cannon. No one comes between him and his canon. 


Kolyat Krios - friend; like a baby brother to Drako, Crux grew to have a similar opinion of him. Although he regards him with less mothering than Drako does. He believes Kolyat needs to learn how to fight and regularly calls his lack of knowledge in that area "pathetic." To the great disapproval of Drako. But his badgering is only out of love.
Drako - best friend; they were inseparable after only a single assassination together. Mostly on Crux's part. He refused to leave him. Insisting Drako needed some heavy artillery. Now neither of them could picture a life without each other. 


Crux Grormo was born to a Krogan woman from Tuchanka. The hostile world frequently bore its warriors like shields against the environment. One that his mother chose not to live in, once discovering her rare pregnancy. She left Tuchanka for a satellite called Red Six. Which served as an easy battleground for her to raise up her son before she would eventually leave him in the care of his father here, Krax. This man was a skilled mercenary and very selfish in the face of the genophage having destroyed their race. Red Six was a massive hellscape of criminal rampage, but it was also a gift. Only if you looked in the right places. So happens, Krax knew some important people. Perhaps more interestingly, he had dirt on them. One of these people was the Monarch of Mordis: Indisi. A powerful enemy or ally depending on where you stood in his vast shadow over Carron Andronus, a star system blooming over a previously dark space in the galaxy. This connection allowed Krax to have a personal jumper, despite the refute of the religious council on Mordis. The very same jumper he accidentally bumped into once on Tuchanka and captured. It was a kind of blasphemy to the Titan Veil. Krax did not care and Indisi eventually seceded to the Krogan's simple demands. This jumper would follow Krax around and take him a myriad of places you might never seen a Krogan again. His son grew up along his side, battling and defeating an unfathomable number of likewise criminals and retiring rich at the age of 50 years, when his father was killed in a bombing on Red Six. This entire satellite would go up in flames but Crux and his cash would survive. Unfortunately, that jumper was never seen again and Crux lost all access to Mordis and the Carron Andronus.
Although Crux was raised by a true Krogan, returning his heritage to Tuchanka would be the most difficult task of his life. He was challenged by the world that should have raised him. Shocked by how tough it actually was. But that didn't stop him from completing his rite of passage and bringing himself into honor. At least the only form of it that he could really imagine. He spent many years on Tuchanka, relearning a lot.
He survived this escapade, but arrived at Omega with a crack in his foremost head plate. A sign of victory but a troublesome injury that gave him balance issues down the line. He discovered that Omega was not so different from Red Six. There were good and bad people here. Degeneracy in all its forms. Even the Alliance was here, creeping in corners, out of uniform and sleeping with two-headed mistresses. Felt like home. It was just missing something. He was lonely. The next phase of his life garnered his infamy as The Hangman. His murders were no longer for money. He started seeking out people in particular that rubbed him the wrong way. These people tended to be the bottom of the barrel scum of Omega. He followed an assassination attempt on a university student on the Citidel. This lead him right into Drako's path; who took a shot on the would-be assassin before Crux could-- saving the university student, Kolyat Krios, from the sins of his father. They ended up tracking down the original hit and having to protect Kolyat several more times, even in person. Refusing to leave Drako's side, the three of them became friends. This overjoyed Crux inside but he tried not to show it too much. Otherwise, they might have known he was so lonely (they knew).
Crux would take Drako's advice and seek the Normandy later on, getting recruited by Eden Shepard. She is yet to win his loyalty but has his respect. 


Every world, in every galaxy is a tormented and drawn out creature waiting to fight or die. Therefore, you might as well have fun with it. Usually that means fighting or dying. But fighting and living is better. You should probably try not being a fucking scrub at it.

Loyalty Mission

As long as you recruit Drako first, Crux is recruit-able at any time. Once he's recruited to the Normandy, he's a little unruly at first but comes to understand the rules pretty quickly. You can gain his respect through battle and protecting your crew viciously. He values Shepard's authenticity and ferocity. You gain disapproval when you lie or are deceitful in any way. This includes manipulating him into doing or not doing something. He wants your complete honesty in every situation. Once he believes that you would die for him, he will likewise die for you and it's impossible to gain disapproval from him beyond that point. 


Crux speaks over seven languages, is a practiced engineer, and is capable of remembering a lot from the past. His short term memory, however, is very unstable. Which is the only thing that stopped him from learning "the rose language," as he calls it. He means French. He will frequently express displeasure about it when Kaiden or Drako are in the party. If neither of them are in the party, he will simply complain about only knowing one human language (English - the Galactic Standard of it).
Sol Brakvatta shows clear and profound disapproval of Shepard having Crux on her crew. He does not express why. Sol will also not accompany or aid you anywhere if Crux is in the vicinity. 

    "What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises- no matter the mood!" --Frank Herbert, Dune

