
2 years, 11 months ago



Sig theme: Origin Palkia/Dialga theme

.: General Info :.

Name: Sig/Plague/Jordan(Irl name)
Pronunciation: Si-g,plāɡ
Nicknames: the man, the myth, the legend, Plague_Da_Artist,Olague, Sig, Page, poolaga
Age: 20
Birthday: June 26 2003
Birthplace: unknown
Race: Hispanic descent
Species: half demon/ dragon, paracausal entity  
Gender: male
Sexuality: pansexual
Height: 5’9(normal form)3’3(depraved form)

.:Distinguishing features:.

Delta form he is a 5’9 humanoid thing with a floating head and beige hair swept to the side. He wears a skull and glasses. His "body" is mostly covered by a grey windbreaker and black pant's.

Current residence: New York
Current home: in an apartment with his mom and 2 sisters
Occupation: college freshman/part-time artist and beginner animator
Relationship status: single
Social status: one of the many creators among the universe

.: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: his voice claim is me
Language: common
Other languages known: none
Style of speaking: verbal

.: Personality :.

Sig is an avid hoodie lover and has an unhealthy obsession with anime, Monster Hunter, Destiny 2, Borderlands 3 and FFXIV. Sig has ADHD, so he’s naturally very hyper and outgoing and has an extremely small attention span. He’s very sweet and is willing to make friends and comfort others when they're down. He loves awesome art and awesome artists. He puts his art down a lot because he isn’t nearly as good as his inspirations and friends. He can get overzealous and get lost in the rhapsody of things which can cause him to come off as annoying but he really does mean well. He’s quiet and keeps to himself for the most part but an absolute crackhead with friends. He's a skater and loves to listen to video game music. His hair is a mess but somehow keeps it stylish. Sig is extremely jealous, he gets grumpy when things don’t go his way or friend's are spending too much time with others. Due to the lack of IRL companionship and real life trauma he needs constant companionship or else he’ll spiral into a depressive state that leaves him void and barren.

Likes: Monster Hunter, Final Fantasy 14 online, Borderlands 3, League of Legends, Destiny 2, Metroid, Pokemon, Roblox, sick art and animations, drawing, discord, dinosaurs, dragons, Alien the movie Series, kaiju(Godzilla and the monsterverse), Gacha games, skateboarding
Dislikes: people who trace, freeboot or take claim for art his or his friend's do it makes him sick to his stomach, assholes, school, Homophobes, people who don’t have any human decency 
Hobbies/past times: drawing, texting his best friends, discord
Guilty pleasures: Hugging with friends and maybe his future Gf 
Pet peeves: people who snore
Personal goals: to be a good artist and live a good life
Religious values: believes in god
General intelligence: is street smart and internet smart but academic smart he’s a bit of a dumbass
General sociability: extremely social loves making new friends. 

.: Relationships :.

2 younger sister

Mom and dad(divorced)

Vile- Sig’s anxiety monster and the worst thing that happens to him.

Friends (currently)















John snail
























Love interest

Single as a Pringle 

.: Combat :.

General Skills: is a scrappy fighter who tends to fight to what would resemble boxing but tends to bite people and use animal tactics 
Peaceful or violent? Peaceful unless provoked
Weapon(s) of choice: his bare fists, his giant fuck around and find out axe Seething Horde Axe

.: Abilities :.

-canon Jump-

Sig can jump from canon to canon portals that appear on the floor when he thinks of a canon or universe he wants to travel to.

As a creator, Sig can create characters and add to their story. He can also travel to his fellow creators universes to interact with their characters. In his universe he’s known to his characters as a guy who I’ve never seen before but I swear I have. He can also manifest any item's into existence money,food and any other item's anything he can think of 

-Sigma laptop-

A creator item exclusive to Sig

-Dragonborne form,Delta form and Depraved form-
Sig has 3 forms. Delta form is his normal form and the form most people see him as. His depraved form is when he is void of all of his powers and turns into a small 3’3 lad. Then his Dragonborne form this form comes from intense emotions of rage which the dragon in his axe uses to take partial control of his body.

-Fandom shapeshifting-

Depending on what fandom Sig is currently in the can shapeshift into whatever fits the fandom so he can feel more comfortable. 

.: Fears :.


Sig is terrified of heights, roller Coasters scare him to death, and even looking at a roller coaster makes him sick to his stomach. He is much better with heights now but if it’s a roller coaster you never catch him dead on one. He still gets uneasy when at really high heights thou.

.: Health :.

Sig was diagnosed with ADHD and ADD in second grade. It’s more toned down now that’s he older and more mature. But when he was younger he was all over the place. Had the attention span of a goldfish, couldn’t focus on work, was always over the top and hyper. This led to several hardships in his life almost failing 6th and 7th grade and outright failing 9th grade and having to go to summer school. As a child, he had intense temper tantrums and would quite literally destroy the classroom and fight other kids. Now he is much more toned done and mellow for the most part. He gets kinda overexcited his favorite things like Monster Hunter or really cool art. And can get bored quickly and lose focus on things he’s not interested in. He’s doing a lot better though. 


.: History :.

Sig was born on June 26, 2003. A summer baby. As a child, he was a slippery devil always running everywhere and getting into shit he shouldn’t. As he was growing up Sig developed a love for dinosaurs, dragons, and Monster hunter the best video game series of all time. 

Sig is now a freshman in college and one of the newer creators. His goal is to make art that inspired others as his art heroes did for him. Sig is an epic gamer, some of his favorite games are Monster Hunter, Final Fantasy 14 Online, Destiny 2, Roblox, League of Legends, and Pokémon. Sig has created his own WIP world and has made tons of characters and made so many friends. Some say he’s out in the universe trying to make more art and make more friends. 

.: Other Details :.
