


3 years, 1 day ago





male (he/him)




  • Penpals with Fluttershy.
  • Not a strong flier.
  • Frames his favorite comics and hangs them all over his apartment.
  • His friend, Quilted Silk, has been teaching him how to pin specimens he finds in his butterfly garden.

Design Notes

  • Smaller, thinner wings than most Pegasi.
  • Mane is a mullet! Thinner behind his ears/bangs, thicker below them
  • Chin stubble.
  • Skinnier build than your average stallion.


Born and raised in Ponyville, Monty was quiet. He didn't have very many friends as a foul and found comfort in drawing. He'd spend hours out in the forest drawing butterflies he'd come across. He developed an interest in entomology, expecting to develop a cutie mark around the subject. Unfortunately, that was not the case, but he had taken well to collecting all sorts of Lepidoptera and boasted an impressive collection for a foal his age. Not long after that, he started drawing silly comics surrounding his bugs. He earned his cutie mark after completing his first comic by the time he finished primary school.

Where he excelled in the arts, he lacked immensely in athletics. He spent many of his formative years on the ground rather than up in the air like most pegasi. His parents sent him to a flight camp in Cloudsdale in an attempt to get him back on track. It was here when he met and quickly befriended Fluttershy. The two maintained a steady friendship well into their adult years. Before Monty's move to Manehatten, he exchanged addresses with her and they continue to send letters to each other whenever they can.

His success in primary school urged him to continue drawing, and his classmates elected him to be the cartoonist for the Foal Free Press. He continued to publish his comics in the newspaper until he graduated. He submitted his work to various comic book publishing companies and eventually he was granted an internship at Muzzle Comics in Manehatten. He packed his bags & all his bugs and bid farewell to his parents and closest friends as he set off to the big city. Towards the end of his internship, he was invited to work full time for the company where he continues to work under the pseudonym "Onomatopoeia". Occasionally he'll attend conventions to promote his work even further.