York Kessler



3 years, 3 months ago


Name: York Kessler

Age:  33

Gender:  Female

Height:  5'8

Build:  Very round with wide hips, rather flat chested

Candy Type:  York Peppermint Patty

Job:  Police Officer (or Mountain Ranger)


Disposition:  Self-assured, curteous, always in "work mode".

 Behavior:  Uses pet names often, often forgets what she's doing, constantly investigating.

Innerself:  Trusting to a fault, always finds a way to get even, just wants to stay up late cuddling and talking.

Strengths:  Keen eye for style, creative, observant.

Weaknesses:  Dwells on the negative, intensely focus on social standing, can't let go.

Fears:  Social ridicule, losing any of her plushies, deep water.


 🍬  Adores the cold.  It's the whole reason she moved to the mountains.

 🍬  Has a massive collection of Plush Pals, a popular stuffed toy brand.  They are her prized collection.

 🍬  Completely believes in the fantastic.  Unicorns, fairies, platypuses- no matter what anyone says, she'll never give up these beliefs.

 🍬  Constantly listening to musical soundtracks.  Often sings along to them.

 🍬  Finds the ocean to be the most magical place.  She's constantly buying new oceanography and marine biology books.

 🍬  Always has a detective noir novel on hand.  They bring a little excitement to her routine life. 

 🍬  Keeps up with fashion trends.  She'll always rock her personal style, while keeping with the trends.


 🍬  Cannot tolerate the heat.  Anything over 70°F and she's completely useless and unwilling to move.

 🍬  Finds action hero movies to be predictable and boring.

 🍬  Won't get near turtles or hamsters.  She got bit a lot as a kid (from trying to catch them and the pets of friends.)

 🍬  Can't swim and refuses to get more than 20 feet near deep water.  She won't even go in the kiddie pool.

 🍬  Has no idea what the interest in watching sports is.  Doesn't enjoy playing them either.


 🍬  Grew up in a small town in a completely different country.  Had a rather spoiled life that ensured she built up her massive plushie collection.

 🍬  Never played with toys as a kid, just enjoyed looking at them arranged on her shelves where they wouldn't be damaged.

 🍬  Grew to be the "queen" of the local Plush Pals collector community.  

 🍬  Her best friend betrayed her by convincing the Plush Pal collectors that her collection was fake.

 🍬  Humiliated, she moved away to a new country where no one would know of her soiled reputation.  

 🍬  She left behind her girlfriend, wanting to spare her from the shame and scandal.

 🍬  She's grown quite content with her new life and takes great pride in her job.

 🍬  Some nights an old pang creeps back into her heart, yearning to reuinite with her old love.

Additional Information

 🍬  Works as a stuffed toy "doctor" on the side, repairing damaged plushies.

 🍬  Knits in her free time.  It helps her focus.

 🍬  Has a large colection of plushies she's made herself, hidden away in bedroom.  She'll proudly show off her Plush Pal collection, but is embarressed about the onces she makes.


 🍬  York Patty hat with matching ribbon

 🍬  Fuzzy winter gear, complete with mittens for her ears and tail

 🍬  Hundreds of Plush Pals

 🍬  A modest collection of detective noir novels

 🍬  A large collection of musical soundtracks