TerranGlobes's Comments

Sorry this is really sudden but- would you consider selling this? I’ve had my eye on it for a few months and I had some cool ideas planned and I just got the money- if not, I completely understand!

I can offer $60! (And maybe a shaded fullbody or two if that’s not enough ^^)

I'll consider your offer but I honestly was planning on making a full blown species out of this once I had the time and have already started to make a character for it ;;   If I don't feel like I can really click with the species after a while I'll get back to you if that's alright?

Alright thank you! And if you do make it a species can you let me know? :0

absolutely! :D  I'm going to make a species trait list and such hopefully next month! (I work and art is on the side + I've got a massive commission I need to do rn)

Heya, if you're still wanting to buy this I'd be willing to sell it to yah for the offer you put on it TvT I don't think I'll have the time to do what I wanted with this species within the next YEAR so like- I want it to go to someone who might actually want it

I definitely want it, but I don’t have the money atm- I’m not sure how long it’ll take, but I’ll let you know when I do have the money! :0 tysm for letting me know btw ^^

I will keep it until you're ready! ^^ thanks!

4 Replies

I can do the minimum $50 with a flat color full-body of one of ur characters? (you could pick which one) Examples of full-body art

I'll accept this offer ^^ could you dm me?