Alexander (Toyu'kais)



6 years, 10 months ago


Both one of the Passengers of the lost Old Era ship known as "Uraeas' Wrath," and the momentarily adopted name of his doppelganger Toyu'kais. He is an unknown canid creature presumed to be a descendant of the species Canis lupus and its related subspecies Canis lupus familiaris. Alexander himself, is mentioned in passing during a conversation between Toy and Revon as the Terran the Lephurios took the form of. Though meant to be a prank on the visiting passengers, the fact the ship left with, him aboard left the real Alex stranded on Kyrrei'is. It is unclear if he managed to survive or not.
Both beings were considered males of their species; While Toy is known to be playful and a bit childish for his age, it is implied that the real Alex was generally disliked and considered uptight an annoying. Toy mentions this is was the primary reason both Alex's mate and his own crewmates caught on to Toy's ruse, yet seemed to like him much more than they did his counterpart. His current mate and daughter both know about his true-self, the latter taking quite a liking to her extraterrestrial heritage.

- Alex was presumed to be in his early 30s, which is Toyuka's primary appearance. He does seem to age, but is capable of reverting his biological appearance.