Seigetsu Shunsen



2 years, 11 months ago


Name: Seigetsu Shunsen; Sei-shun
Age: 25
Birthday: October 13th; Libra
Height: 5 ft 10; 178cm
Race: Asian; Japanese
Gender: Male; he/him

  • Black coffee
  • Granola bars


  • Paparazzi
  • Inactivity

Friendly, approachable, and naturally charismatic, Sei-shun remains humble despite being a global superstar. He thrives in social and high pressure situations, and would rather be with friends, acquaintances and fans than left alone to his own devices. He does, however, resent the paparazzi and makes no effort to show civility if they intrude in his personal space.

With his natural charisma comes a flirty part of his personality, directed at both men and women. It is no doubt with his looks and talent that he has a hoard of admirers, but throughout his entire career he has never once made a show of interest towards anyone romantically. The media and tabloids have tried their hardest over the years to insinuate such relationships between him and co-stars, but it has never stuck. When asked about it, Sei-shun just shrugs and says he’s ‘waiting for ‘the one’’ and would rather focus on his career.

As a former child actor typecast into horror, Sei-shun has been desensitised towards things that usually occur in the genre, such as fear, violence, gore and things meant to insight psychological terror. He is quite dense in situations others may find scary, which can be both a blessing and a curse.

They say Japanese horror movies are the world’s scariest, but ‘scary’ is an understatement when one happens to star Japan’s national treasure, Seigetsu Shunsen himself. Considered an ‘ultimate dreamboat’ in the West, you’d have to be living under a rock to have not heard of the young actor, more commonly referred to as ‘Sei-shun’ by adoring fans and the media. Young, charming and surprisingly modest, Sei-shun’s known for building up his whole career on an audition error, and it’s said that he never watches anything he stars in.

This scream king’s acting skills were praised and revered after the rise of the critically acclaimed three-part horror series ‘Black Melancholy’; which set his career in stone, typecast him into horror, and even inspired a Hollywood remake. With Sei-shun’s name being one the movie industry simply can’t ignore, you wonder exactly why the young star decided to take a hiatus from acting…