Feng the Gentle



3 years, 4 days ago


Feng was raised to be the guard of a noble drow family.  However, when he was still young (a teen by orc standards) the household was attacked.  He was charged with carrying the young heiress to safety, while more senior guards went with to protect them.  The other guards died.

In fact, Feng never saw anyone from that house before.  When Feng finally learned more about that night, he found that the family died, their fortune and status lost, and their staff scattered to the winds.

Feng felt he could not be the parent the young drow needed, so he brought her to a temple, where she was given a new life and identity.  Feng would visit, but he feared her family's enemies might learn of her if he stayed to close.

When the drow, Sarenae now, had grown, she traveling with members of her temple, spreading the word of her god through dance.  Feng follows her pilgrimage loosely, taking with that keeps him moving in her direction.  She still remembers him, and always has a special smile just for him when he visits.