Comm/Adopt TOS



3 years, 3 months ago



  • By commissioning me, you agree to all of the following stipulations. Treat Customs as Adopts.
  • NO COMMERCIAL USE: None of my works can be used commercially unless otherwise agreed upon. You may personally request for commercial usage of your commission/adopt, but we must reach an agreement that will likely include additional costs. Likewise, I will not be able to use my drawings of your characters commercially, but I can post it to social media or use them as examples unless otherwise agreed upon.
  • CANCELLATIONS: I reserve the right to cancel a commission at any time given that the commissioner has not been paid or has received a refund- partial or full depending on the situation. The commissioner can cancel as well given that they have already paid and dont request a refund, have already paid and request a partial refund, or I have not yet begun to draw their commission. I also reserve the right to cancel any adopt transfer if a refund has been given or payment has not yet been received. An adopter can cancel any time before the character is transferred.
  • RESELLING/TRADING/EDITING ADOPTS: Feel free to edit an adopt in any way, shape, or form, BUT!! Do not change the original image I created in any way. If you buy an adopt from me with currency, you can only resell it as below or at the price you bought it (unless additional art is added that increases the price value). If bought, you can also choose to trade or gift the adopt instead of sell it. If you traded for the adopt, you cannot sell it, but there are no trade restrictions and you can still gift it.
  • CREDIT ME: Make sure to credit me when necessary!! "When necessary" is pretty vague, but it should be fairly obvious when it is needed. If you post a commission to social media, credit me. If you post your adopt design somewhere, credit me the first time it is mentioned (like in an instagram post) and/or in a character page (like they have in TH and Amino). If the subject of the design is brought up (someone starts asking questions and complimenting it) it would also be nice to credit me then. As a side note, I post my art to social media, so please be aware that your commissioned piece will likely also be posted.