


9 years, 5 months ago


BRIAN LEWIS| |                                                                                
Age: 26 years old
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180 lbs
Orientation: Gay
BACKGROUND| |                                                                                
Brian always knew that he was gay, but it was a reality he refused to face for much of his childhood. He sought to fit into a conservative neighborhood, to please religious parents that he knew would not be able to accept him for who he really was. His good looks garnered him plenty of popularity and he exelled in school, in sports, in extracirriculars, and even took pre-college courses in engineering. But over time, this lie he was living was eating away at the young man, and he began to secretly visit gay bars while still a teenager. It was there that he met and entered a relationship with a man twice his age, who helped him come to terms with his sexuality and convinced him to come out to his family. 

But his family did not take the confession well and Brian was kicked out of his home. He found himself suddenly alienated at school, with former friends now harassing and bullying him, and former admirers ostrosizing him. He left school to live with his partner, working his way through a community college program and earned a meager degree in mechanical engineering. Through his partner, he acquired a job with the public transportation department in Boston and lived a comfortable enough life. At least, until he realized that his partner was cheating on him with younger men and they split up. It was a devastating blow to an already isolated man, who spiraled into a dark depression. Ultimately, in a moment of incredible emotion, he attempted suicide by ramming a crowbar into the electrical component of a subway car. 

Brian did not die. Instead, this intense exposure to electricity awakened something latent in the man, and his extroardinary abilities were unleashed. His skin was burned black, his bones gaining an unnatural glow, and left him permanently changed. He awoke in the hospital days later, to an empty room, to the same empty life--but as a completely different man. His powers reacted unintentionally and he panicked, bursting out of the hospital and leaving destruction in his wake. Authorities arrived on scene, and it was then that Brian realized what he was capable of--what he could do. Years of mistreatment and isolation burst forth in rage and he lashed out at everyone around him, garnering himself the reputation as a formidable villain. It had only just begun. 

PERSONALITY| |                                                                                 
Poltergeist is angry, insecure, and emotionally compromised. After enduring too many emotional blows, his ego has been destroyed, and he suffers from a considerable depression. Upon gaining his abilities, this depressive state turned into anger, and rage, now that he had means to take out all of his grief on the rest of the world. His vision is skewed--he sees the world as being against him, thinks he's hideous and invisible, and wants people to pay for their cruelty. In reality, however, he is not an evil man. He is blinded by his rage, but he does not enjoy killing, does not enjoy harming others, and has the potential for good were he able to deal with his baggage. Beyond all of that, he is an incredible romantic, and craves nothing more than someone to share his life with--someone who will love him unconditionally. 

TRIVIA FACTS| |                                                                                

  • Possesses extensive electricity-based abilities, allowing for flight, transportation through technology, disruption of technology, etc. 
  • His ghoulish appearance is the result of excessive electrical burns that should have killed him. His skeleton now glows and is visible through his skin on most parts of his body.
  • He's very interested in engineering, but doesn't think he's smart enough to pursue it as a career.
  • He can be a little gullible and shallow, and may be more likely to trust someone he's attracted to.