


2 years, 11 months ago


Quailthorn is as loyal and obedient to Canyonclan as they come. He's utterly devoted to the clan. Quailthorn has a quiet confidence about him; not the type to boast and brag, but he knows he's capable. Since becoming a warrior, he feels like he understands his purpose a bit better; he will never stop striving for perfection, and he won’t ever let Canyonclan down if he can help it. His faith in his own abilities has grown- though he still seeks out praise from older warriors, he knows now that his own opinions matter too. He’s not one to backtalk his elders, but he won’t be pushed to the wayside so easily.

At first glance, he gives the impression of being a serious, dependable, passionate warrior; one who will put his all into a task, no questions asked. He’s happy to serve in whatever way he can, and looks up to Duskwatcher as being a strong, courageous leader- despite his tendency to jump the gun at times. The young tom is intelligent, able to think logically through any problems he’s faced with. He has a long fuse, not one to lose his temper easily. In moments of rare relaxation, or when he truly can’t find something to busy himself with (also quite rare), Quailthorn proves to be more than just a loyal Canyonclan warrior; he’s gentle with others, quick-witted, patient, and good at giving advice. Despite all this, he struggles a bit with the concept of individuality, talking to cats his age, and being himself. Canyonclan's ideals and his own desire to serve his clan make it difficult to express himself or to admit his own shortcomings. Being a mindless soldier isn't something he's interested in, but being the ideal Canyonclan warrior is- and that is difficult to balance.