Angel's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

DoodlerBee Global Rules

© Preserve the Trade Record ©

Do not delete the original profile to create a new one. Keeping the trade record intact helps keep the line of ownership clear.

✔ You may trade or gift the design ✔

This includes trading for other designs/characters, art, or literature.

✔ You may resell the design ✔

You CAN'T sell the design for more than you spent on it, unless there is additional art. In the case of additional art, you may increase the value equal to the value of the total art.

✔ You may alter the design ✔

You are allowed to alter as much or as little as you desire, including changing color scheme, adding/removing items, and changing physical appearance. The one exception is you CAN'T remove a character's disability.