


7 years, 2 months ago


Cody's best friend. They refer to eachother as brothers

He is quite tall, being 6 feet tall. He is also quite buff and in very good shape as he loves working out and participating in sports competitions (marathon, soccer, wrestling, tennis, you name it) and doesnt let his lack of a right leg stop him. He choose a simple prosthetic as it was more practical when exercising. He is one of the top atlethes at the university!

He doesnt like talking about what happened to his right leg and he actually suffers from ptsd because of what happened.

He also has ADHD and struggles greatly with executive dysfunction. He also finds it hard to pay attention in class and is constantly fidgetting. He however isnt stupid, he just finds it hard to focus on subjects he isnt interested in

Jemaine and Cody met on an online forum by and for disabled people. They had a great connection with eachother and were happy to discover they attended the same university and lived in the same town. So now they hang out loads in real life.

Cody is Jemaine’s study bud and loyally shows up for every sport event of his. In turn, jemaine joins Cody on his daily strolls as well as his trips to the aquarium and natural history museum. He really enjoys listening to all of Cody’s knowledge on aquatic life and sends him pictures of any cool fish he comes accross. He also will not tolerate people belittling, discriminating or babying his friend. He will tell you to cut that shit immediately and with his size and physique, that’s usually enough. He has gotten in a few scrapes with bullies though, but never lost.