


2 years, 11 months ago


a lot more of Chike is explained in Asher’s profile but I’ll give you a quick run down of this idiots trash backstory because I decided to focus more on her relationships with people than writing her an actually good backstory. Anywho, basically her father died when she was young and her mother would always tell her about “gender roles” and she’d get so mad at her mother. But her mom sorta abandoned her cause she had no idea how to really take care of a child and her mom was just pretty… eh. yet she moved around a lot and went to a lot of different towns, and she would steal what she needed in order to survive. She didn’t settle into Aspen town until she met Asher but yeah- She wanted to be a hunter and she heard stories of people she had passed by talking about the gods and she believed it with a passion. people made fun of her for her beliefs, and she’d always try to be stubborn and yell back at them but often times it turned into embarrassed stuttering where she couldn’t find her words. As I said before though, a lot of her story is explained in Asher’s profile so.. 

Chike is a pretty extroverted person, who’s brave and stupid. She’s got a bit of surviving skills and street smarts, but no academic smarts. Asher had to teach her to read and write. She was always pretty optimistic and fun and was barely ever in a bad mood. Shes there for the moment and not very materialistic. unless something as sentimental value, she doesn’t care much about it, she cares more about the relationships she forms with others. She loves to be active and to hunt, she enjoys sword fighting and sharpening her skills. She was always stubborn and gets defensive very easily when people try to bring her down, but she’s still got a pretty big ego. Fun fact, she always looked upon Icarus as a father figure and looked up to him greatly, but never dated to tell him that because it’d probably hurt her pride a bit. Chike loved staying up late at night and just ceasing the day, going to bed late and waking up early was fun to her. she could run fast and enjoyed racing people. She appreciated the beauty in the world though, and liked to climb trees and watch the sunset. She has a fear of rain, thunderstorms, and really deep water. She also hates caves and being claustrophobic. She loves apples and wine and partying too when she felt like it.