Tri Gryphon



6 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Part of this bio is from the RuneScape wiki just to tie together her story with the game.

Account created

Sometime between September 9-14, 2015, on account of Starfury Cape. The overall account was created on January 31, 2015.

In-game username


OC for


Main attack style

Ranged/Mage -About equal-



Other things to note about her design;

She has silver chains wrapped around each of her hair "horns" and they have charms of the rune symbols on them, her eyes have a sight black glow to them, she has very thin eyebrows and her mouth is thin and usually in a smirk. People think that she always looks like shes scheming.


Tri Gryphon is a traveler in Gilenor that nobody knows where she came from. She eventually becomes the World Guardian through mere chance.

Unknown to most, her human form isn't even her actual form. She is actually a dragonkin, with a humanoid body and a dragon head. She rarely if ever goes into her true form as she likes the body she made and knows that it is more acceptable in public. The bone wings on her human form are the result of her not being able to make a full human, same for her glowing black/red eyes. As her adventure progresses she herself wonders why she doesn't just come out with that she is actually dragonkin, as her dragon form is stronger. However she is dedicated to staying in her human form as she is sure that dragonkin are frowned upon.

She tells people that she was born in early fifth age, but seeing how long dragonkin live that is probably a lie to let her pass unnoticed. She is most likely from the Dactyl faction of dragonkin, and left by the end of the fourth age, probably after the Dragonkin Conflicts at the end of the age. By year 169 of the Fifth Age, Tri was living on Ashdale, and appears to have been there for some period of time. The retired adventuring dwarf Gudrik from Taverly had been keeping a watch on her, considering her to be special and to have unique powers and abilities that others do not have. It is unknown if he knows of her true origins or not. Magda, the resident mystic on Ashdale, likewise considered her to have great future potential.

Tri is someone that others don't really....get. Due to her face shape she always looks like she is scheming, however she simply isn't smart enough for that. People seem to trust her however, something that perplexes her greatly. She's mainly a jokester, cracking jokes mainly at inappropriate times and annoying most people she works with. She sadly is very easily manipulated, as she has been taken advantage of by multiple villains she has gone against. People see her as nice and helpful, but really she is eager to go on quests for the rewards, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have a good heart and help some people out of kindness. She is also a pushover, doing anything in quests that is asked of her, no matter how ridiculous. She does have a breaking point however.