


3 years, 18 days ago



AgeLess than a year
Height7'5" (usually)
Weight340~ pounds (whole body), 27 pounds (Coal Chunk)
SpeciesNature Anomaly/Golem
LikesMeeting friendly people, wildlife, Four Leaf Clovers, flower fields, rocks, eating rocks, pretending to eat rocks, fire 
DislikesRude or closed off people, realizing that it can't eat rocks, cameras, being called a robot, fire
BirthdayAugust 23rd

"You are... Nice... Yes...?"


After a failed experiment by Coalfoot to synthesize a Nature Anomaly for his bidding, the failed chunk of coal that remained was chucked into the local forest as waste. Little did they know, that rock would have a mind of its own, and would start controlling the plant life around it.

The chunk of coal came to be called Mossrock by those who would spot its golem shape roaming the forest. Mossrock seeks to try and understand the world, and people, around it, while defending the forest it calls home using its control over natural life.


Mossrock is a grappler with huge distance attacks, able to control multiple parts of the screen as powerfully as a traditional grappler would. Unlike most grapplers, Mossrock has the terrifying ability to punish those who stay away too far, however, this comes with significant dead zones, where Mossrock can struggle to hit/punish an opponent, alongside the usual slow movement and attacks.

  • Command Grabs: Mossrock has two core command grabs, Log Toss and Swing Vine. Log Toss is a grounded command grab that can hit at multiple ranges very quickly, while Swing Vine can punish a jump from anywhere on screen with the correct positioning and prediction.
  • Avalanche: Avalanche is one of Mossrock’s defining tools that makes him very scary to threaten. Avalanche can either be a short range disjointed low, or a delayed ground slam which bounces all opponents not blocking on the ground. It is key to both his pressure at close range, and his long distance mixups.
  • Far Range: Some of Mossrock’s moves have amazing range and disjoints, though some of the longer ones sacrifice speed to compensate. Others require a huge prediction on your end to make sure they connect, or they have very specific and tight ranges. Despite this, when these potentially full screen attacks connect, they can lead to huge damage. 


unknown.pngMossrock is a slow grappler who excels at close range, but can punish those who keep too much of a distance.

  • High Damage: With or without meter, Mossrock will be dealing plenty of damage to opponents he can get a hold of. His command grabs do excellent damage, and his combos only add more to them. With meter, his Supers can make a full screen hit into a full, high damage combo.
  • Avalanche: Avalanche alone is one of Mossrock's best moves. It can be a good disjointed low, or give Mossrock some of the best close/long distance pressure in the game. Forcing your opponent to pay attention to when the Boulder will fall, alongside the moves that are being thrown out can lead to very favorable scenarios for you. Alongside the pressure itself, it can lead to mixups from full screen, forcing your opponent to either jump or block low to avoid both the Avalanche, and either Log Toss or Swing Vine.
  • Can Cover Many Ranges with Powerful Disjoints: Moves like Log Toss and Swing Vine can cover key parts of the screen, forcing your opponent to pick their approach carefully. Most of these options are quite disjointed too, making them very safe ways to poke an opponent's poor approach.
  • Good Okizeme: Log Toss and Good Night can give hard knockdowns close to or in front of Mossrock, allowing Mossrock to use meaty options to stuff the opponent's wakeup with ease, or to use Log Toss/Swing Vine on a more scared opponent, or even use Avalanche to make Mossrock safe afterwards.
  • Makes the Opponent Approach Him: While Mossrock is very slow, his moves force the opponent to approach him in a specific way, where Mossrock only has to worry about trying to punish their approach to start their own pressure.
  • Midrange: Mossrock's tools become significantly weaker in the midrange, as while not in close range or at full screen, Mossrock's tools lose out on many of their better traits, such as being true Command Grabs, or their speed
  • Predictable Reversals: If Mossrock gets pressured he has not many ways of getting advantage back. M or H Good Night are his only armored/invincible reversals, which can be predictable if overused.
  • Poor Movement: Mossrock has no airdash, nor a regular dash, and Good Night and Good Morning are his only real "movement" options, and they don't do much moving on their own as is. Mossrock has to rely on getting the opponent to come to him, instead.
  • Prediction Reliant: Mossrock requires good predictions on his opponent to be able to punish what they do. Many of his farther screen options, while powerful, require a good read on how the opponent may react to moves like Avalanche.
  • Large Hurtbox: Like most grapplers, Mossrock boasts a large hurtbox that can lead to him eating combos other characters wouldn't, or makes him prone to being hit by random moves more often than others.