


2 years, 11 months ago



Name [Unknown]
Alias Monakrih, Mona
Gender Female
D.O.B / Age 5/28/18 (Created) (Seems ~40)
S.O. Aromantic bisexual (male pref)
Status Solitary
Race/Species Kelpie - Appears as a horse or human
Height 18.5 hands (6'2 at withers) 6'2 human
Voice Rafscrap (?)
Theme(s) ---

♪ Hey, little songbird, look all around you. See how the vipers and vultures surround you? They'll take you down, they'll pick you clean, if you stick around such a desperate scene...

Monakrih is cold, dark, quiet and calculating, and spends all of her time in solitude. The one exception to this rule is the time that resulted in her first and only daughter, Isera, and as soon as the child was old enough to move on, Monakrih resumed life as she always had. The way she prefers it. She seems completely unable to form close bonds with others, and doesn't feel the loss of these relationships. More than that, she hardly even feels empathy, and watched many times as her unaided child nearly died in her youth.
She is massive and muscular, and can kill easily and without remorse. She is a woman of very few words or reason to use them, but when she does speak her words are eloquent, if not bitingly honest, and her voice is low and commands an audience.

Abilities: Horse/Human shifter, horse speak (cannot speak "human" as a horse, cannot speak "horse" as a human. Can understand both regardless of her form.), "sticky skin" at will
Weaknesses: Iron, silver, extreme heat



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Isera Daughter

Monakrih is not close with her daughter. She was never the "motherly" type. As far as she's concerned though, she did what was required. She kept the child alive, and the child learned how to keep herself alive under her mother's watch. Monakrih probably would have even stepped in if the child were close to death. Probably. But then again she'd never really spoken to the girl, so it wouldn't have been a huge loss.


Kestrel Ex-Mate

Very little is known about this kelpie, as typical of Monakrih's nature they didn't talk much, and once he started getting on her nerves she chased him off. For better or worse, however, he would leave her a mother. (Design/Story/Name/Etc. all still a WIP)

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