Courtney "Court" Jacket



6 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


afab Female


13 (7th grade)



Physical Description

Tall, with styled brown hair with dyed green ends (she changes the colour to purple after the winter arc). Simple studs that progressively turn to gauges as the series progresses.

Clothing Preferences

Likes to think of herself as The Fashionable One. Kinda punky and going through her Too Much Makeup phase. Often seen wearing converse hightops with pins stuck in.


The overzealous best friend character, she is the one instigating most of the confrontations. She likes to push the action, and her impulsivity and quickness to hatch plans often makes her the mastermind of her group. She lives for her friends though, and while she shows it via pushiness and deciding what is best for her friends, she genuinely loves them


Jubilee Middle School, Minnesota, USA


The 'best friend character', Courtney (or 'Court') meddles in Hana and Li's love lives whenever possible. Going through her 'too much makeup' phase. 

Spent her childhood picking on/playing with her childhood friend Cole. Has had a happy childhood, and relishes in being the only daughter versus her three brothers. 

Once they reached middle school, Courtney met Hana via Cole. The three of them quickly became a set. Courtney likes Hana a lot, especially since Hana is the only one who will agree to call her by her cool new nickname she made for her junior high debuet, 'Court'.

Ongoing Story
She goofs around and tries to make Hana get with her dream girl via unsolicited help.