


3 years, 12 days ago


General Information

First name: Sketch

Last name: Colt

Age: 24

Date of birth: 7/16/96

Race: Pegasus

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Current residence: Sketch stays with his mom and brother, they both take care of their mother

Relationship status: Single

Traits of Voice

Language spoken: English

Other languages known: none

Volume of voice: He's sounds a bit obnoxious 

Physical Appearance

Height: 6 ft (182.88 cm)

Weight: 170 lbs

Eye color: White

Fur color: Dark grey and white

Shape of face: Pony shaped

Distinguishing features: The heart patch around his eye

Build of body: Confident twink horse

Hair color: Rainbow, but with more blue

Hair style: Goes past his chin

Posture: Good

Tattoos: None

Piercings: None

Typical clothing: Black choker and upside down heart necklace his mom gave him

Is seen by others as: Well kept and knows what he's doing with his life, spoiler alert, he doesn't


Likes: Annoying his friends and spending time with his mom

Dislikes: Cupcake killing people

Education: He went to a public school with his brother

Fears: Being killed by Cupcake

Personal goals: Having a successful and happy life

General attitude: He's pretty positive and confident about himself

Religious values: He's not religious

General intelligence: He's smart but acts like a dumbass sometimes

General sociability: Most of the time he's only social when he has to be


Illnesses (if any): none

Allergies (if any): none

Sleeping habits: Gets 8 hours of sleep

Energy level: Average

Eating habits: Eats three meals a day with snacks sprinkled before them

Memory: Average

Any unhealthy habits: Sometimes he spoils meals for himself when eating snacks


Childhood: He never met his father, him and his brother had different dads who both ended up dying before they were born, the two brother were raised fairly normally and went to school

Teen years: He started noticing how much people went out of their way to avoid his brother, since he didn't want a bad image for himself he started neglecting his brother too

Adult years: Soon after high school he met Cupcake and they started dating, after a few years their relationship ended very badly and caused Sketch to be afraid of who he once loved

History of family: Work in progress

Briefly explain life story: Work in progress


Parents: (I haven't designed his mom or dad)

Siblings: Idot Boy

Any enemies (and why): Cupcake, Edgy, and Princess Kitty, too lazy to put why right now, sorry

Children: None

Friends: Crayon and Chad

Best friend(s): Chad

Love interest (if there is one): None at the moment


Peaceful or violent: Surprisingly peaceful

Weapon (if applicable): Magic

Style of fighting: Creation


Occupation: He works at a market

Favorite types of food: Fruits and most things healthy

Favorite types of drink: He likes apple cider, what a loser

Hobbies/past times: He likes to draw even though he's not that good at it

Guilty pleasures: no idea

Pet peeves: People asking him if he's gay because of his hair

Pets: None

Talents: Singing

Favorite colors: Ironically enough, dulled out colors

Favorite type of music: Calm slow music