
2 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


Dick (/lh), Miccy, Mic Dimagiba




Doesn't know. Celebrates it with Pip


6'2"/188 cm (w/ heels) | 5'9"/175 cm


Nonbinary (they/star) | (Only Pip can use he/him)


Trixic/NBLW + Demiromantic


Half-Human (Filipino) + Half-Celestial



Mic gives off a rather apathetic and harsh air to people, but they do mean well- they just have trouble showing it, scaring off or discomforting others with their coldness and straightforwardness. When you get close to them, Mic shows a rather fond motherly side, albeit a bit sassy. They're also a lot warmer, even if they don't admit it. They're the type to ramble about a random thing that just happened to them and listening to others (i.e. Pip) ramble.

Despite how serious they may seem, Mic actually hates scholarly shit unless it's of their own accord. Their guardians never sent them to school (just offered them random facts the guardians picked up), so Mic doesn't know how certain things work on Earth, nor do they want. Then, Mic gets their knowledge from Mic. Mic is used to being formal, so they tend to be a little over-formal by accident.

They're always found close to Pip, claiming that Pip needs someone to keep him out of trouble.


- Elemental Powers. - Mic knows basic elemental powers, such as fire, water, and grass.

- Levitation. - They can make themself, objects, or others levitate. The heavier the object is, the harder, however. Their limit is 160 lbs.

- Telepathy. - Mic only uses this for Pip, specifically.

- Healing. - They cannot heal major wounds, but can heal things such as scratches and minor illnesses.

- Teleportation. - Only limited to the current world and spots Mic knows. Takes a lot out of them.

- Swapping. - Limited to objects. Mic can swap the locations of two different objects. While this could be helpful for other items, Mic uses it when they don't feel like dressing themself up.


- Mic is well-versed in spells and has abundant knowledge, sometimes offhandedly boasting about their skills and how they self-taught themself. Yet, this is only because they hate the idea of others teaching them, and likes going at their own sporadic pace.

- I pronounce their name as both "Mick" and "Mike". There's not really a wrong way to pronounce their name.

- Mic was adopted by two celestials as a kid: Tess and Rec. They've been surrounded by other celestials most of their life, aside from Pip.

- At the end of AF2 (in both the main au and the Star Sorcerer au), Mic ends up leaving Pip to work up to becoming half-celestial for 5-8 years. This is due to Mic proclaiming that they 'failed' Pip, by not being able to protect him from Celesteal.

- Mic took up Pip's surname for the first time out of quick-mindedness, when once asked.

- Mic is also neurodivergent and possibly has a cluster B personality disorder too. The former is why they usually wear gloves- they really hate certain textures.

- Mic fucking hates the heat. When you live in a cold space with your space guardians, you get used to the cold, right? Well, think of how you fare in the hot. (what i'm also implying is they Fucking during sandbrick sandbox in the ss au)