Mega Mazie



6 years, 10 months ago



Mega Mazie
Angel Fox | Adult | Female


Mega Mazie, or Just Mazie for short, is a 90's kid that refuses to grow up.
Her childhood abruptly ended as she was kicked out at 18, not ready to live in the real world so suddenly, She crashed at an abandoned
 Mega Maze and has lived there sense. In her world it's still 1990.

  Mazie lives across the street from William, another old-school adult that refuses to let go of the past.

They don't get along, and have fights about which era is better, what they don't realize is they have more in common then they think.

They both live in a changing world that's moved on from their fazes, yet they refuse to see eye-to-eye.

Sometimes they will take a harmless jab at one another, or have a conversation at the shared hatred of the current culture.


Mazes, retro aesthetic, the 90's, arcade's, junk food, plushies, Beanie's, Vintage Anime, William.


Adult hood, anything past 1990, Change, politics, reality, kids, 2020 in particular, William.


Her and William grew up on the same street and where childhood friend's, but had a fallout in their teenage years when their differences and aesthetic became more important than their friendship.

When angered, her entire body will turn red, including clothing. She calls this her "Dark side"

She's an angel with a buzz saw as a halo, and chibi wings.

She just turned 30, and is shocked about that.

She feels "too old" for all of her favorite things, but chooses to ignore this.

"You drive a car?! Not a horse drawn wagon?!"


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