Lian Feng 🍃



3 years, 2 months ago



Name Lian Feng
Called Lian, Bai Hu, Son of the Wind
Age 20
Gender Male (He/Him)
Species Snow White Tiger
Occupation Shaolin Warrior
Power Aerokinesis
Birthday June 09


  • Mahjong
  • Traditional cooking
  • Kung Fu
  • content


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A young Shaolin Warrior native to Chun-nan. Lian Feng come from the Temple of the Wings, located in the West of Chun-nan. Here children learn to control and listen to the wind, but Lian Feng, unlike other warriors who have had to learn to control an element, was born with his power to manipulate the wind. Due to this rarity, the superiors of the 4 Sacred Temples think that Lian Feng could be the personification of Bai Hu, the white tiger of the West.

🍃Personality: He has a very calm nature and is very strange to see him angry. His Shaolin Warrior profile makes him seem serious and difficult to approach, but Lian Feng is a pretty kind person, someone who likes to help others as much as he can. When he feels confident he can be himself, and you will meet a guy who enjoys traditional foods and playing mahjong.



•Electrokinesis: When Lian Feng is angry he can control the lightning element. Thanks to his training he is able to control it, but sometimes he is worried to lost it



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