Joel Asraf



3 years, 3 months ago


Name; Joel Asraf

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Relationship: Ingrid

Birthday: August 31st

Personality: Detail oriented and notices things changing quickly. Although really smart, he's constantly worried about coming off as pretentious and tends to pretend he doesn't know things to not seem so. Loves his girlfriend so much and at this point is probably planning on proposing to her soon. Questioning his gender. Joel is really good at drums and plays them for any time Meredith and Nemesis do a show, however he has made it clear he has no interest in joining their band as a drummer permanently. Joel doesn't really feel close to a lot of people and feels alienated from almost everyone. He values the connections with people he does create but has a great fear of ruining them.

Story: Joel comes from Nashville Tennessee and decided to go to Winchester College of the Creative Arts for school. He wants to become a photographer and is interested in photographing wildlife. His girlfriend insists he should take pictures of cryptids too.