Not anymore unfortunately :( my other comms can be found here tho!

I can offer art!

If you're interested then I can offer specifics

Page 2 and back have my normal examples

This user's account has been closed.

Heyo! If these are still open I’d love to get a couple ^^

What you’re paying: $20 for both


Expression(s): Koi- maybe a tongue blep and a wink
Alchiba- Blinking and an eye sparkle

Any Extras?: simplify if needed! They are a bit complex so I won’t mind if you do have to simplify them!

I’d love to get a third one, but it’s fine if you’ll be too busy for it ^^

sure thing!!! Pls send the payment to [email protected] !! I can also totally do a 3rd one, but it may take a little bit longer as i can usually finish the two over the weekend, but i do go back to school during the week so it may take an extra day or two to finish it around my classes :)

Sent money for the first two! Would $6 be fine for the third? If not I can pay the last $4 after I get this one commision done <3

that’s fine !! :)) also received 

hey!! something happened to the pc I use to make pixel art :( i can either refund you or draw two half bodies instead !! 

Hey sorry for the late replies! If you just wanna refund that'll be fine! ^^

Ok cool! I’m on a cruise rn and my wifi is super limited and won’t let me access some apps for some reason, would it be alright if i sent it your way on Sunday? Ill see if I can send it sooner but Sunday is probably the soonest I can send it your way as that’s when I get back in the US :))

hii!!! i can refund you know but I lost ur account! What’s ur paypal email? :3

Heya! If these are open, I’d like one ><,,,

What you’re paying: $10


Expression(s): smug or like a cheeky smile :D

Any Extras?: nope!

sure!! pls send the payment to [email protected] !! i have one more icon to do before this, so it should be done by this weekend :)

Alright! I sent the payment~

Ah, it didn’t send thru yet :( Is it still pending? Sometimes that happens haha 

Ahhh I sent it again, did u get it? :000

Yep it went thru this time!! 

Nvm it just went thru! Tysm, i’ll get started soon :))

hey!! i’m recovering after a surgery so there may be a little delay :))

Ohh no worries!! ❤️U can take ur time~ :DD

Hey!! sorry for the wait, there’s been some complications with my surgery and I’m fighting an infection, however it’s most likely going to clear up soon and I’ll be able to finish it probably in the next week!!

Ahhh sure sure np!! Take the time u need ❤️❤️🤲😊

hi there!! if these r still open i’d love to snag two :’) 

What you’re paying: $15 for both icons if that works! i saw ur preferring usd rn!


Expression(s): maybe a bite? or any expression where he shows off his teeth!

Any Extras?: any neon color for the bg! go wild!


Expression(s): a wink and a smile maybe!

Any Extras?: feel more than welcome to simplify his design a bit to look better in the pixel art, you don’t have to include all those teeny spots on his face!

of course!!! I love those designs and i’m excited to start!! feel free to send the payment to [email protected] whenever you get a chance :D

payment sent!! thank u so so much! <33

ofc!!! also i just realized Harrison is based off my favorite Beatle ever XDDD george fans for the win

YESS SO TRUE! george likers unite >:)

aaa I'd love one of these !!

What you’re paying: a shaded icon!


Expression(s): anything works! there are personality traits in the character bio!

Any Extras?: nope!

Sure!! Can u draw :D I’ll get started when I get home

yeah for sure !! they're super cute !

Great! I’ll have it done around this weekend as my brother broke him arm and I’m currently at my aunts ;;

there's no rush !! i hope he has a smooth recovery!


here u go!! ill upload it to their gallery!! also i fixed the black lineart on the ears in the one i uploaded :))

8 Replies

What you’re paying: A completed icon!


Expression(s): Panicked, and then a head shake/back to a kinda smug face!

Any Extras?: idk uhh artistic liberty for stuff you wanna add! These are so cute btw—

What you’re paying:shaded fullbody 

Character: ic

Expression(s): maybe somthing angry whatever you think works 

Any Extras?:nope

sure!! can u draw this guy?

also the link to ur chara isnt working 4 me!!

Sure I can draw them! Also the link isn’t working bc apparently the ref I commissioned for them was traced so I had to take it off. I can email it to you for the sake of this art tho if you have an email

i do!! send it to [email protected]!

Would you mind emailing it to me? Toyhouse is weird ab links and stuff for me

Would you mind emailing it to me? Toyhouse is weird ab links and stuff for me

ofc sending rn~

would it be ok if i added it to this gallery for examples :^))

1 Replies

Can I order one sorry Idk if I comment or pm you :) 

Sure!!! Just fill this out!

What you’re paying:



Any Extras?:

Awesome Thanksssss

What you’re paying: $10


Expression(s): ;3 lil winkie face plz 

Any Extras?: not that I can think of 

ok cool!! ill get started now :3 pls send it over to [email protected] on paypal!!

ok cool!! ill get started now :3 pls send it over to [email protected] on paypal!!

all done!! send over the 10$ whenever ur ready and ill send it over :3

Sent! Sorry got distracted watching YouTube gah thanks you 

no problem!! also sorry about the double comment my toyhouse likes to glitch for some reason?? also it didnt go thru yet but ill give it a few mins and let u know!!

14 Replies