Pokeu The Omen



2 years, 11 months ago


Basic Statistics

Full Name: Unknown Tengu based name - Was a name made of crow-like sounds. Has since forgotten said-name sounds.

Reason or meaning of name: N/a

Nickname: Pokeu, The Omen

How'd they get it?: Pokeu -- The korean word for 'Fork'. It was one of the first human words she said, and became her favorite. It soon became her self-declared name.

The Omen -- Due to her unusual white color, she is seen as an omen of things to come. Whether those things are good or bad is still up for debate.

Age: 19 Years

Date of Birth: September 25th

Zodiac: Libra

Species: Eastern Tengu {Raven subtype}

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Androsexual {Loves masculinity of all sorts, even on those born female}

When did they realize this?: When she first escaped her Master at the age of 17.

Nationality: East Asian

Hometown: Unknown - Doesn't remember

Current Residence: TBA

Occupation: Renegade, Thief, Slave

For how long?: Has been a slave her whole life, but has escaped a few times, only to be caught again.

Do they like his/her job?: No, she craves freedom.

Salary: N/a


If they had an element, what would it be?: Air

Can they use it?: Minimally with her magic.

What animal best represents them?: Other than a Raven -- Ferret. She loves shiny things and is a major kleptomaniac.

Hand-to-Hand capability: Moderate

When did they start learning?: When she could, during her time as a slave

Who taught them?: No one, though she occasionally got lessons from men in Bars while she was ''free''

Weapons training: Moderate

When did they start learning?: When she could, during her time as a slave

Who taught them?: No one, though she occasionally got lessons from men in Bars while she was ''free''

Physical strength: Average

Speed: Slightly above average

Planning: Below Average -- She jumps head first into things.

Powers: Moderate -- Has moderate natural-born magic abilities.


Any significant ancestors?: None

Grandparents (describe relationship): Unknown

Aunts/Uncles (describe relationship): Unknown

Parents (describe relationship): Mother - Unknown name - Doesn't remember much of her, other than her blue eyes.

Father - Unknown name - Doesn't remember much of him other than his jingling bracelets.

Are they still together?: N/a - Both deceased

Birth order: Pokeu - No siblings.

Children (describe relationship): N/a

Are all children with the same partner?:

Is their relationship with their children important to character?:

Grandchildren (describe relationship): N/a

What is the character's family life like: Never had a family life.

What does their family love most about them?: N/a

Hate?: n/a

Does the family have a specific set of values?: N/a

What would their family be described like by another person?: N/a

Have they ever had any pets?: No, but she really wants a pet snake!

What happened to them?:


Are they a virgin?: Yes

How did they lose it?:

Have they ever cheated on a partner?: No

Has a partner ever cheated on them?: No

How did they react?:

Who was their first crush?: N/a

First love?:

Have they ever been married?: N/a


How many times have they been married/divorced?:

Are they in any kind of romantic relationship?: No

How serious/relaxed is it?:

Describe the relationship with their current partner:

How did they meet?:

Who made the first move?:

How does your character truly feel about their partner?:

When did they realize this?:

Who is your characters closest friend?:

How did they meet?:

Why do they get along so well?:

Describe relationship with any other significant friends: N/a


Favorite foods: Smoked fish, Rice, Noodles

Least favorite food: Sticky foods like caramel and peanut butter

Favorite colors: Gold, and any color that's metallic

Least favorite color: Dull colors, Browns, blacks, matte greys.

Music: Pop

Literature: Folk Lore tales

Smell: Smoking Meats {Her sense of smell is only about half as strong as a humans}

Feeling: Smooth, polished stones in her hands.

Season: Spring, early summer. When everything is in bloom, but it isn't hot.

Pets: Snakes!

Place: Fruit Orchards of any kind.

Favorite sport(s): TBA

Favorite Sayings: TBA

Possession this character values most: Fork Necklace

Why is it so important to them?: The fork itself holds meaning. She used it to pick the lock of her first cage, leading to her very first escape from her master. She has since turned her good luck-fork into a necklace and set it with a small ruby. Her last master let her keep it, seeing no harm in it.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 4'5''

Weight: 85 lbs

Body build: Thin and petite

Eye Color: Albino reds and pinks

Glasses or contact lenses?: None

Feather Color: Albino white with tones of gold when in the light. {Her kind are normally black with blue tones}

Type of Feathers: Sleek and silky, her feathers have a slight oily look to them, but feel like silk.

Feather style: Smooth with rough edges.

Complexion and skin tone: All visible skin and scales are peachy in color with gold and tan tones to her complexion.

Any particular blemishes?: None

Shape of Face: Raven shaped. Rounded head with beak that tapers to a deadly point.

Scent: Metal and Sea water

Voice: Feminine, but slightly hoarse or scratchy.

Voice Play-by:

Mannerisms: Bold and upfront.

Health: Healthy

Style: (Elegant, shabby etc.) Shabby -- wears what she can get her hands on.

How do they walk?: Quick steps with a slight bounce with each step.

What are their Nervous Tics: Rubs her necklace or bracelets.

Usual Body Posture: Tall with her beak tucked down towards her chest and her hands behind her back.

Do they have any disabilities?: None -- Currently does not SPEAK any language fluently, but rather mimics words until she understands how to say things.

Speech patterns: Mimicked, choppy and uncertain. Once she learns how to say things properly, she speaks smoothly and almost exaggerates the words.

Preferred Clothing: Bra-like top with cut off pants. Normal for woman Deckhands.

Underwear: None

Shirts: Bra-tops or Tank tops. Loves softer material like silk and velvet, but has none.

Pants: Cut off pants to keep from rubbing the scales on her legs, which can cause sores.

Skirts: Has never tried a skirt before.

Jackets: Never has had a jacket, she normally uses a shawl when it is cold out.

Shoes: None

Accessories: Nose ring - Gold with orange topaz, Bracelets -- Two on right arm, One on left arm {Left arm one is her Nine Section whip disguised}

Formal wear: N/A

Sleeping wear: Normal clothes, or occasionally a night gown if provided.

Swimming wear: Normal clothes, or nothing.

Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes

Did they go to school?: No, it was forbidden since she was a slave child.

Native language: Tengu {Language of only sounds like caws, clicks and such}.

Do they know any other languages?: Common {Write/Read {Including script print} - fluent, Understand - Fluent, Speak - Minimal},

Halfling / Hobbit {Write/Read - Fluent, Understand - Fluent, Speak - Minimal}

Korean {Write/Read - Fluent, Understand - Fluent, Speak - Moderate}

Elf {Write/Read - Moderate, Understand - Moderate, Speak - Minimal}

Shoanti {Write/Read - Moderate, Understand - Moderate, Speak - Minimal}

Undercommon {Write/Read - Fluent, Understand - Moderate, Speak - Minimal}

How smart are they?: Extremely. She is a puzzle master, and is always trying to learn.

What is their strengths?: Puzzles, Mimicry and Illusions

Weaknesses?: Easily distracted, can be bribed with shiny or silky things.

Manner of Writing: Scratchy and primitive, but readable no matter the language.

Any Mental Illnesses?: None

Character's short-term goals in life: To be free

Character's long-term goals in life: TBA

How does your Character see themselves?: A clever little bird

How does your Character believe they are perceived by others?: A ghostly slave

How self-confident is your character?: Moderately

What makes their self-confidence waver?: Being bound or cornered.

What would embarrass your character the most?: TBA

How does your character feel about love: She hasn't been exposed to much of it. Her master didn't even seem to really 'love' his wife, or maybe that was what love is? She doesn't know. She is slightly afraid of it, though. She's afraid of being bound emotionally to someone else.

About crime: Crime is just a part of life! Keeps the rich down a few pegs.

Politics?: She doesn't understand politics, so she has no opinion.

People of a different sexuality?: Nothing bothers her. Why should she judge who's attracted to who.

Different nationality/race?: While she is shy of some races, she tries her hardest not to judge them based on the actions of others.

How does your character show affection/love?: Touchy and noisy. She loves to preen and touch her companions, adorn them with shiny things and the like. She likes to make it known that she likes someone.

How does your character handle grief? Cry and move on. There isn't enough time to mourn.

What are they like when they cry?: Quiet and soft. She tends to hide herself away when she cries. She doesn't like to be seen as vulnerable

What can make them cry?: Being captured and put into slavery (Again), TBA

How does your character handle physical pain?: Not the best, but she tries.

Emotional pain?: She can handle emotional pain better than physical, but she still isn't the toughest nail in the bunch.

Is your character typically a leader or a follower?: Mix, she does better on her own, or following others

Are they 'big picture' or 'little details'?: Big picture. Little details requires time to sit and think.

What kind of energy level does your character typically display?: Playful, perky and nosy

Describe their sense of humor: Playful, a bit childish. She enjoys pranks and games more than verbal jokes.

Hobbies: Drawing in her notebook that she keeps with her for translation/talking.

Talents: Linguistics, Escaping cages.

Extremely unskilled at: Strength or heavily physical tasks. She's just not built well enough for it.

If any, what musical instruments can they play?: Lute - Moderate skill

Emotional Characteristics

How does character relate to others?: She finds it easier to connect to people on an emotional level, usually with pretty objects or pictures. If she doesn't know what, or how, to say things, she will pull out her notebook and show them pictures to tell a story.

How does the character deal with anger?: Pouting. She is the master of pouting. Otherwise, it is difficult to actually get her angry. She has been punished for anger a few too many times to reach that point anymore.

With sadness?: She tends to hide away until she can get over the emotion and move on.

With conflict?: Pokeu tends to be more passive, and tries to avoid most conflict.

With change?: Change is fun!

With loss?: She really hasn't had to deal with the loss of anyone close {Not including her parents but she was too young to remember that}

What does your character want out of life?: To be her own master and live a free life.

What would your character like to change in his/her life?: Being taken into slavery at such a young age.

What motivates your character?: The potential for freedom.

What frightens your character?: Being a slave forever.

Are they afraid of the Dark?: Not usually, but she is uncomfortable in dark, confined spaces.

Death?: No

What makes your character happy?: Food, Music and being able to decide what she does, when.

Sad?: Darkness, Bindings.

Angry?: People attacking or tormenting others.

Aroused?: Men and anything masculine. She loves seeing the burly guards training. Ruffles her feathers.

Annoyed?: Bickering

Guilty?: TBA

Is your character judgmental of others?: No. She does her best to treat everyone the same.

Is your character generous or stingy?: Generous, unless its SUPER shiny.

Is your character generally polite or rude?: Polite, but her lack of speaking can come off as rude.

Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Optimistic typically, but can be darkly pessimistic.

Introvert or Extrovert?: Extrovert

Daredevil or Cautious?: Daredevil

Logical or Emotional?: Emotional

Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: Neat in a very cluttered or collector's kind of way.

Would they rather be working or relaxing?: Relaxing or doing her own thing.

How do they feel about animals?: Loves animals, and most people.

They are most at ease when: In a bar or tavern, eating and drinking, and listening to music of tales of far away lands.

Ill at ease when: Locked in the Slave barracks during the night.

What is their best quality?: Generous and social

What is their biggest flaw?: Easily distracted, and easy to bribe.

Spiritual Characteristics

Do they consider themselves religious? No, she is an atheist.

Additional Notes on This Character:

Theme Song: TBA