


2 years, 10 months ago


Daxar.  He won't tell you his full name - not unless he really has to.  And he'll tell you his House, but it's not the House of his heritage.

Daxar can't remember a time he wasn't aware of his predecessor, Talvin,  who had fled Gallifrey and was on the run as a renegade, suffering from a  severe regenerative disorder.  Ever since childhood, it had seemed as  though the absent older brother was a constant presence.

Oh, Korvera wasn't an inattentive mother.  Far from it, in fact.  She  was always there; young Daxar had everything he ever needed.  She even  arranged for the children of other Houses - even those of significantly  lower status, he thinks back now with some disgust - to socialize with  him, encouraged him to make friends.  For some reason, she had always  been very keen that he make connections, not spend too much time alone.   Fortunately, that suited Daxar's outgoing personality well, and he  gained invaluable practice at navigating these social connections, even  learning to charm the parents, guardians and Kitriarchs.

By the time he was taken to the Untempered Schism at the age of eight,  he had some idea of where he wanted to end up.  Prydonian Chapter - they  were the ones in charge, the ones with power.  His mother, however, had  other ideas, and he was admitted to the Academy in the Arcalian  Chapter.

It took him less than a year to find out that Talvin, too, had been an Arcalian.

As was the duty of every young Aspirant, he maintained his connection to  his House - but nothing ever changed.  Every time he returned to his  House, it was just the same as it had ever been; Korvera would make a  great fuss of him, making sure he had everything he needed, insistently  asking if he was well - too insistently, almost as though she were expecting something to be wrong with him.  And within spans, there was Talvin's  presence again.  A slip of the tongue, a brief mention, a moment of  reminiscence.  Or just her work - a development in the research into  regenerative dissonance, a new holovid documentary, or a visit to the  House from a Commentator or a regenerative physician.  She would never  outright say so - she was careful, precise and stoic as ever - but Daxar  could pick up on the hints well enough.  Talvin had shown early  aptitude for his Archivist career.  Talvin hadn't made any friends.   Talvin had had better grades.

On graduation from the Academy, Daxar had enough connections to quickly  land himself a position, as assistant analyst to a report writer for a  speech composer for a member of the High Council.

Politics was changing on Gallifrey; tradition was being eroded, and the  isolationist policies that had helped keep the Time Lords in their seat  of power for millions of years were being revoked one by one, giving way  to new, "progressive" ideas of cooperation with other, emerging  temporal powers - alien species that challenged the Time Lords' natural  superiority and rule over Time.  Even Daxar's own mother was falling for  it all, with her irritatingly liberal approach towards criminal justice  and what to do with those lower in society on Gallifrey.  

Daxar, of course, made sure to back the right people.  He could see who had the right ideas, who would be better for Gallifrey, and his dedication and diligence - not to mention a  little influence when he married into a suitable House - saw him rise to  the rank of associate report writer for a speech composer.  And yet,  the tides seemed to have firmly turned against the old ways - against  Gallifrey herself, some said - and he managed to pass not a single bill,  nor advance any further in his career.

To this day, he's not sure who to blame for his lack of political  success.  Is it his Arcalian background, lacking the influence or  prestige of Prydonians or Patrexes?  Do people - the Celestial  Intervention Agency, perhaps - know something about his connection to  his older brother, that infamous outlaw now known as "the Eleven"?  Is  his mother pulling strings behind the scenes, disagreeing with his  politics?  Is it President Romana, and her dangerous ideas of  cooperating with aliens under the guise of "progress", in direct  opposition to the stability and tradition that Daxar stands for.

He doesn't know.  But sometimes, it does linger at the back of his mind  that he - an insignificant, unsuccessful, low-ranked politician - won't  ever be remembered, while his defective criminal brother has already  gone down in history.


Writing snippets:

- "The OC above is your OC's new neighbour"


Art notes:

- There's a reference page up, but I can't colour to save myself, so  it's black and white toned sketches.  Colouring is as follows:

- Hair is dark blonde, eyes light olive green

- Robes and collar are the traditional colours of the Arcalian Chapter -  that is, shades of green.  Robes primarily a muted grass green; gloves,  hems and neckline of the robes a deeper forest green.  Collar pale  lime, with forest green brocade, and the clear stripes silver.

- Seals (those round symbols on the collar that look like a cross  between a koru and an infinity symbol) are silver with black markings.   Wrist communicators (on the back of his hands) are blank white screens.

- I didn't quite draw the seal symbol right on this one - if you're  drawing him with the collar, please look either at Korvera's ref (where I  got it right) or look up the "Seal of Rassilon" for how it should  look.  Sorry 'bout that!


Ideas for if you're attacking him:

- A portrait of him trying to look Very Important and Dignified, perhaps - he'd like that!

- For backgrounds, traditional Gallifreyan settings would be lovely - a  backdrop of the Capitol, or putting him in the Panopticon, something of  that sort.

- Traditional, conservative Gallifreyan politics is his jam.   Definitely not extremist, just very conservative.  He's not going to go  out and pick fights with aliens, he's just going to sit in his office  and express his disapproval of them being on his planet and try and  write policies to stop them coming in or strictly limit their rights.

- Or, I am always more than delighted with interactions with your OCs,  or crossovers!  Toss canon to the wind and have fun with him!  Keep his  personality in mind, though.

- Also cool with things like species swaps just for fun - go for it,  draw a kitten/dragon/cockatoo version of him!  In fact, do what you like  with him!  Cyberpunk cyborg AU version?  Pokemon trainer version?  Show  me!  : D

- Sadly, we can't use canons in the ArtFight proper - but if you're here  from minigames, I am down for something to do with him toadying after  Inquisitor Darkel - yes, he supported her bid for Presidency.

- Interaction with Korvera, who is an OC of mine, is also cool!