


8 years, 11 months ago


American (Human), Male, 19 Like Etsumi and Kalandra, Nicholas is from Earth. He was born and raised in New York and is a dedicated raver. After he came to be a cook at The Fletcher Mansion, he made quick friends with Kalandra, a fellow raver. They often hang out when they aren't working and go to Raves together. When he's in neither a good nor bad mood, he's very polite and courteous. In a good mood, he tends to be insolent and won't take orders from anyone. When he's in a bad mood, he won't really talk to anyone and can come off as antisocial. It's hard to say why, it's just the way he is. Nicholas has two birthmarks, one on his face, shaped like a sea monster, and the other on his side with no particular resemblance to anything. He liked his birthmarks, even though when he was a child his class mates thought it was some kind of rash when they first saw it. Nick, as his friends call him, had dreamed of being a cook since he was a child. At first he wanted to cook anything and everything, until he realized his true passion lay with making lunches. He was looking for a job so he could pay for his college tuition when he met Chase. When she told him he could start work with her, get rent-free housing, and learn from professionals as he worked as a chef, he jumped at the chance. He was assigned to Section 2 (lunch) Likes: cooking, partying, dancing, music, sandwiches, pirates Dislikes: cleaning, organizing, tomatoes, ninjas