Basic Info

Gender / orientation

Female / straight



Age by story / date of birth

19-20 y.o. / December 22th, 1972 [Sagittarus]

Origin / nationality

Born in Yugoslavia (Titograd) / Lives in Sweden (Stockholm) / half Swedish, half Montenegrin

Body type / height / weight

Athletic / 1.80m / ~80kg

Hair / skin / eyes

brown / bronze (tanned) / grey

Magical power



Swedish: native / Russian: expert / Serbo-Croatian: beginner


Student [military academy]


Sports [Greco-Roman wrestling, swimming]

Best friends

Helga and Alien


Avantis, Anika and Greta

Stepbrother (paternal brother)


Has a crush on



Lawful neutral


She is strong, brave, forthright, rather harsh and severe, though has a kind heart.


Appearance Prototypes: Pink / Xena (Lucy Lawless) / Sigourney Weaver

Kajsa's mother, Vivianne Dahlgren, was born in Stockholm in 1932. She became a known Swedish writer, historian and artist. She went to Yougoslavia at the end of 1950th for the first time, her aim was to do a research needed for her historical novel. She lived and worked in both Stockholm and Titograd, constantly moving between Yougoslavia and Sweden. At the end of 1950th she met one Montenegrin man (named Milorad Shterich) who became the best (and the only) friend for her. That was just a friendship for more than 10 years (Milorad was married and had children). Vivianne gave all of herself to work and even in her 40 she was still single and didn't have children. Their romance with Milorad started because of Vivi's despair and depression. That was an easy thing for him because he was very amorous and always had lovers besides his wife. Vivienne just asked her friend for a child, she wanted to kill her loneliness and to be needed for someone. Kajsa was Milorad's seventh child (besides Orson and 5 legitimate children). Vivienne decided to raise her daughter by herself. At her 40, when Kajsa was born, her books had huge success and she became rich. She still moved from Stockholm to Titograd from time to time, her passion to Milorad became cooler, but they kept their love and friendship till the end. Vivianne died of cancer in 1976 when Kajsa was 5 years old. Vivianne's brother and his wife adopted Kajsa (they didn't have their own children). Kajsa's unkle didn't like Milorad, that's why her trips to Titograd ended and she hardly ever connected with her father. Then, when Kajsa grew up, she still connected with her father from time to time, but they didn't become closer to each other. Yes, Kajsa loved his father, but considered him frivolous and rather weak-willed. Kajsa knew about her paternal brother Vladislav [Orson] Danilov (born out of wedlock as well) and dreamed to meet him one day.

In her uncle's and aunt's family, Kajsa got a very good upbringing, her stepfather loved her very much, like she was his own child. Her stepmother has a Russian descent, their family is bilingual (Swedish and Russian). Her stepmother introduced DJ Alien (her friend's daughter) to Kajsa when she was 5 and Alien was 4, they became good friends. Kajsa's uncle is a successful businessman and a close friend of Otto von Bergendahl. Kajsa met Nils and Helga for the first time when she was 5 (and Helga was 3). They became best friends with Helga, and what about Nils, - that was a love at first sight. They became mates, though had a big gap in age (Nils is 14 years older). In Nils' 19, when they met, he was already married, though Kajsa dreamed to become his wife one day when she was little. Later, she always tried to look like him and to do what he does. She started to take interest in sports and warfare because of him. He was a total authority for her whole lifetime. Even now, in her 19, she thinks that he is the only man in the world which she's able to give her heart to (though now she understands that this will never happen). Now he is her instructor in a military academy. Kajsa likes Nils' wife as well. She looks for a man like Nils, but still haven't met him yet.

What about Avantis, Kajsa likes him as a friend, they quickly found each other intresting when Alien and Helga acquainted them. Probably, because they're both sporty, physically strong, tranquil and even phlegmatic sometimes? Or maybe because they both found some traits in each other which are missing in themselves? Like a lack of compassion in Kajsa and a lack of rigidity in Avantis? Maybe because Avantis is more feminine than Kajsa sometimes? Or because Kajsa is more masculine than Avantis from time to time? Sometimes they both think that there can be more than friendship between them... They often complement each other: she shows him how to act like a man and he shows her how to act like a woman, LOL.