°☆ | SAGE



2 years, 10 months ago



Sage Clyborne is one of the 38 Survivors currently featured in Dead by Daylight. She was introduced as the survivor of CHAPTER 28.5: Wind Limit, a Half-Chapter DLC released on 21 October 2023.

  • Gender Female
  • Role Fervent Protector
  • Origin American
  • DLC Chapter 28.5: Wind Limit
  • Voice Actor Undetermined
  • Cost 9,000 Iridescent Shards 500 Auric Cells


"You need to be careful! It's not forgiving out here."

A life spent looking after her younger siblings has imbued Sage Clyborne with a protective nature. She is a bit of a nerd and deeply cares for those close to her. Though teammates initially avoided Sage due to her hesitancy and clumsy appearance, they would take up a fondness for her upon realizing that she was quite perceptive and good at making her way around.

Sage Clyborne is a fervent protector, always keeping an eye out for those around her. Her personal Perks, Empathetic, Forgiveness on a Dime, and Faulty Loyalty, allow for her to look over her teammates while keeping them safe.


"It's okay. I'm here now, you're safe."

Devoted and hardworking, Sage has a deep sense of responsibility to her teammates. She can be counted on in almost any situation and she rarely asks for recognition. She is a can-do type of person with a lot of capability. Despite being sensitive and caring, Sage has amazing analytical abilities and an eye for detail. She has well-developed people skills and is a true altruist, engaging with her work and the people around her with enthusiasm and generosity.

One of her most prominent traits is loyalty. Sage invests a lot of energy into maintaining connections with those close to her. She is known for her habit towards dropping everything to lend a hand to those who are going through a hard time. She seems the most confident and energized when helping someone who needs her help. Her loyalty doesn't stop with those close to her, either – it extends to anyone around her. This intensity has its downsides, however, as others may look to take advantage of it.

Sage has a deeply social nature. She has a special taleknt for making friends and ensuring that they feel seen and cherished. Dedicated and thoughtful, she finds a lot of joy in helping those around her.


"Oh, this will help!"

  • Flashlight
  • Med-Kit
  • Firecrackers

Add - Ons

"Erm... This one, I think."

  • Odd Bulb
  • Styptic Agent
  • Anti-Haemorrhagic Syringe


"I hope this works..."

  • Fragrant Primrose Blossom
  • Sealed Envelope
  • Old Family Photo



"Quote here"

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id nisl tortor. Nullam id velit accumsan, aliquet diam sed, faucibus mi. Quisque eu molestie leo. Quisque ac mi in nunc volutpat euismod ut vel libero. Duis elementum, ex in placerat venenatis, urna erat varius quam, a porta urna enim sed quam. Etiam eu neque pellentesque, consectetur nunc sit amet, tincidunt ligula. In aliquet pretium consectetur. Donec eget aliquet massa, ut accumsan libero. Quisque viverra nisi eu nisl fermentum, eget dapibus elit tristique. Mauris et pellentesque risus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus ultrices sem in nulla euismod dignissim. Integer ornare urna felis.


"Quote Here."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id nisl tortor. Nullam id velit accumsan, aliquet diam sed, faucibus mi. Quisque eu molestie leo. Quisque ac mi in nunc volutpat euismod ut vel libero. Duis elementum, ex in placerat venenatis, urna erat varius quam, a porta urna enim sed quam. Etiam eu neque pellentesque, consectetur nunc sit amet, tincidunt ligula. In aliquet pretium consectetur. Donec eget aliquet massa, ut accumsan libero. Quisque viverra nisi eu nisl fermentum, eget dapibus elit tristique. Mauris et pellentesque risus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus ultrices sem in nulla euismod dignissim. Integer ornare urna felis.


"Quote Here."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id nisl tortor. Nullam id velit accumsan, aliquet diam sed, faucibus mi. Quisque eu molestie leo. Quisque ac mi in nunc volutpat euismod ut vel libero. Duis elementum, ex in placerat venenatis, urna erat varius quam, a porta urna enim sed quam. Etiam eu neque pellentesque, consectetur nunc sit amet, tincidunt ligula. In aliquet pretium consectetur. Donec eget aliquet massa, ut accumsan libero. Quisque viverra nisi eu nisl fermentum, eget dapibus elit tristique. Mauris et pellentesque risus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus ultrices sem in nulla euismod dignissim. Integer ornare urna felis.

Load Out

Prestiging Sage will automatically add Tier I of her Unique Perks to the inventories of all other Survivors and unlock the ability of their higher-tiered versions in their Bloodweb.

Prestige Sage twice more to automatically add Tier II and Tier III respectively into the other Survivors' inventories.

"Be careful moving around. They will find you and they will hurt you."


Your pain gives others the knowledge that they are not alone. Once in the killer's terror radius for ( 20 / 15 / 10 ) seconds, it heightens your aura reading ability. When activated, survivors who are hit by the killer are revealed to you until they are healed or hooked.

Forgiveness on a Dime

You are forgiving of the many to spite the few. After unhooking a survivor, Forgiveness on a Dime activates. For ( 10 / 20 / 30 ) seconds, any skill checks that are missed while healing or repairing will not impede upon the progress already made.

Faulty Loyalty

You've always been a little protective. Upon taking a protection hit for another survivor, Faulty Loyalty activates and allows for you to take an extra hit from the killer. You are effected by the broken status effect for ( 30 / 20 / 10 ) seconds after the extra hit is taken.



"Quote here."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id nisl tortor. Nullam id velit accumsan, aliquet diam sed, faucibus mi. Quisque eu molestie leo. Quisque ac mi in nunc volutpat euismod ut vel libero. Duis elementum, ex in placerat venenatis, urna erat varius quam, a porta urna enim sed quam.


"Quote here."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id nisl tortor. Nullam id velit accumsan, aliquet diam sed, faucibus mi. Quisque eu molestie leo. Quisque ac mi in nunc volutpat euismod ut vel libero. Duis elementum, ex in placerat venenatis, urna erat varius quam, a porta urna enim sed quam.


"Quote here."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id nisl tortor. Nullam id velit accumsan, aliquet diam sed, faucibus mi. Quisque eu molestie leo. Quisque ac mi in nunc volutpat euismod ut vel libero. Duis elementum, ex in placerat venenatis, urna erat varius quam, a porta urna enim sed quam.