
3 years, 3 months ago


Type of animal

🦇Bat- Pallid Bat

Talking animal

(Can be a Fablehaven/Dragonwatch sona) 

🌺Blossoms personality:

Blossom is a kind but can be easily annoyed. She is kinda lazy and very good at most things. She likes to seclude herself alone a lot, and often times just spends days and days by herself in her small, but comfy cave, she lives in the Lost Mesa preserve, it’s a desert preserve that very rarely rain’s and it’s very hot all the time, but she actually really likes the heat so it’s the perfect place for her. She lives like a secluded farmer, and really only comes out of her cave to tends to her wheat crops she is growing right outside of her cave by the shore of a lake and to give the caretakers bread or to also give the brownies some bread and help out with what they need help with. She likes to stay in routine and gets upset whenever someone or something messes up her routine. She does not like surprises or anything new. She rarely gets visitors other than the brownies and when there are visitors she tries to ignore them or just hide until they go away. She doesn’t eat that much and she is very picky about her food. She doesn’t understand social creatures and how other creatures like to be around others all the time, she thinks that is horrible. She likes most animals and doesn’t hate anyone, but she gets tired quickly when she has to be around people to long. Can be pretty bombastic and energetic but she is usually quit and calm. She is kinda weak for a Pallid bat, but pretty tall for one to. She grew at a abnormal rate when she was younger and now is very large for a Pallid bat. Her claws and teeth are very sharp but she is not aggressive, she does not like conflict and will usually try and solve situations by either, calmly and tactically figuring out how to solve the problem, or just hide from the problem if the problem is to unpredictable.

âś…Pros: Kind, good with others, thinks ahead.

đź’˘Cons: Lazy, over thinks, worry wart

đź’–Likes: Bread, pizza, being alone, milk and water, sleeping, day dreaming, sleeping, and routine.

❌Dislikes: Cold, veggies, fruits, being around lots of strangers, surprises, unpredictability, conflict, waking up early, and stress.

🌄Her habitat:

Blossom lives in the Lost Mesa preserve, she lives near the caretakers house and by a tiny pond. Her cave is a tall, small rock that is a little bit away from the pond but still close enough to where it’s a easy glide to the pond, she has a little wheat farm that she tends to that is right in front of her house, Since she loves so close to the car takers house she is right next to the brownies that take care of the caretakers house, she gives them some of her wheat or bread to help with with there duties and in return they sometimes clean her cave. She makes the best sour doe bread around and the caretakers love it. The area around the pond is usually very calm and the sky is usually very clear and at night time, there’s not many stars in the Lost Mesa sky but she doesn’t mind.

Body type:

Blossom is very lanky, but has a little bit of a belly, not that much but just a little bit. She has very big ears and a big fluffy chest. She has big round eyes with narrow pupils, she’s got kinda a big nose and and a bumpy snout, she also has a big long tail. Her wings are big, and she often uses them as a blanket. Her claws are always out, they can’t be retracted. She has a very skinny, long neck. She is very tall to.

(Non Fablehaven/Dragonwatch Sona powers)

đź’«Her super power:

Her power is that whenever it gets night time and the sun has gone down she can go up into the night sky and her outline will become a light purple and will shine, and the rest of her body will reflect the stary sky. When she is in this form she can not be hurt unless someone hits her tongue then she will go down immediately, but other than that she is invincible. She can only take this form if she is in the sky, if she is on the ground then she loses this power and she becomes normal again. Her eyes turn into moving swirls and can hypnotize people and other animals when she wants to and there eyes will mimic hers if she has them under her spell.

Anthro Height: 5/8

Voice: Has a country accent. Very monotoned and sounds tired all the time, but when she is excited she can get pretty loud and sound more high pitched.