Crimson crust punk's Comments

does anyone here interest you? i can do multiples! :] if not i can offer art :0

Oh my gosh I LOVE your designs and your art both!! 🙏💕 This one is the only character I saw that I would trade (I'm also trying to limit my character I take haha!!) but I know it says tentative on there so I'd be happy to accept art instead if needed! 🫶

waa tysm!! :D i can absolutely trade them, ill send em over :]

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I didn't see anyone, sorry! 🥺🤲 thank you though!!

omg, i adore this oc, may i draw them? :)

Feel free to draw them!! They're up for offers, so I am not keeping them, but you may absolutely draw something of them if you wish! 

id definately offer, but idrk what to offer, if u wanna go in my folders feel free to! check also art examples, if ur interested lmk!

but ill go ahead and draw em!!

May I offer art and a custom?
I  need to add new examples!
im super interested in them!!

WAH I love your style omg!! I'd love to accept! :D What were you interested in offering art-wise, exactly? As for designs, I'm looking for more complex designs at the moment! :0c

Ahhhh tysm!! I can totally do complex! Do you have discord? I can show my more complex examples and we can go over stuff!! 💗💗

I do!! It's under the same name, inbry ! :D

  Here’s mine!

I could also offer a custom or art if preferred 


I would love to try to offer trades :) These characters I'm actively searching to rehome:

This is the more pickier folder, I can deline here. The miloudee folder in feral IS NOT FOR TRADE though sorry:

Thanks for looking :).

are you looking at any offers specifically for them?

hey! is there anything specific you would like for this character? like art, real currency, customs, characters. ^_^

My preference is USD payment, but I'm also looking for complex designs or art offers! I'm picky on the last two though 😭

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