


3 years, 5 hours ago


 Nickame  blankie
 Age  32
 Gender  cis male
 Pronouns  he/him/his
 Birthday  4/20
 Voice  link
 playlist link 

 Species  dutch angel dragon
 Height  6'0
 Orientation  gay
 Occupation  jobless
 Home  lives alone
 R.status  single
 L.status  living
  • dark topics
  • pain
  • suffering

TW: mentions of rape, sexual assault, physical assault, abuse, bodily harm, etc.

-when he was younger he got abused almost every single day by his dad (physically and verbally, mostly physical) He would be covered in bandages and band aids every time he headed out of the house. This slowly drove him insane, soon taking his frustration out on his favorite stuffed animal (gift from tint, his only friend). He gave the plushie too much and tore it beyond repair. He ran out of the house, losing his mind. He hid in an alleyway with a squirrel shaking and twitching a bunch, knowing he needs something to make himself feel better but nothing to use. He took a risk, wrongly harming the squirrel and killing the innocent creature. He couldn't help but laugh maniacally, loving the feeling. He would continue doing this with small animals before heading home and fighting back against his father and killing him.
-When he grew older to how he is now, he went back to his friend (tint)'s house and told him everything he did. Tint refused to join him out of fear which angered blanco and he chased after tint. He kidnapped tint and tied him up in his basement. He abused tint physically, sexually, and verbally.
-Tint was starved, beaten, choked, talked down sexually, and forced to perform sexual acts. Blanco got bored of him after a while and finally murdered him. He stitched up Tint's corpse and replaced his open eye socket with a large button. He kept the corpse in his basement for sentimental value. He would then continue his murderous rampage, sneaking into homes at night and killing everyone inhabiting them before leaving without a trace.

When everything above happened, he would be in his 20s.

Everything following is when he is in his 30s.

After that things that took place a while ago, Blanco has been going off and on in different places and dimensions. He had gotten chased by Milly, who tried killing him. Milly had fatilly wounded blanco , leaving him with scars all over him. His wings were clipped , they are now only small nubs on his back, which he can move freely--but he cannot fly now. He has a massive scarred and burnt part on his left side of his face, which he keeps covered by bandages.

  • bullying
  • love
  • healthy things

Related characters

Zap (Victim)
Peara (victim)
Milly (Victim)
Buster (enemy)
Eina (enemy)
Zip (victim)
Girly (idol)


  • SPECIESDutch angel dragon'
  • HEIGHT 182.88cm | 6'00''
  • WEIGHT slim
  • BODY SHAPErectangle
  • FUR LENGTH medium
  • FUR TEXTURE soft
  • Chest+arm scars
    Fight with Milly. 

  • Wing nubs
    Fight with Milly.

  • Ankle scar
    Fight with Milly.

  • Eye scar
    Fight with Milly.
  • VERY sharp teeth
  • Smiles 80% of the time
  • claw colors match fur associated on
  • old man

  • none recent
