purple's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

Isovana Global Rules

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Isovana’s TOS

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Please be sure to read everything before trading/reselling/gifting or buying any design of mine!

If you get an adopt from me, please be aware that all designs have a 4 day cooldown before you can trade/resell, and you cannot resell for more than what you paid unless you get extra art. This is for my own comfort and not having my designs be used as fodder!

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Isovana’s Blacklist

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Anyone on my blacklist cannot do the following;

  • Purchase commissions or character designs from me
  • Have commissions or character designs purchased on their behalf by third parties
  • Have messages passed onto me by third parties
  • Have any of my designs resold/traded/gifted to them by any user
  • Interact with me or my characters in any way (I.e. having them draw an OC that belongs to me)

My blacklist is not in any way a gateway to harass any of the listed users on my behalf. I reserve the right to blacklist any user without giving a specified reason to anyone.
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  • ufno/VILEGRIM/OOOMFG/Applebom/Needlekit/Daifukuu/tartagliaa
  • Neo-DRM/Seth-THHH/Isaiah Gladden/Superiorinferno
  • Dash_TheCheetah
  • CometTheLegend/BandicootMayhem
  • nekuisnotcrashtm/ignman200
  • CalypsoCarnage/TokisChaos/Strays-Adopts/ImprisonedChaos
  • Maxthehedgehog7/xMaxikuu
  • Zketcherz/Zoketchi/BeanieBagTea/MeanBeanZone
  • KaijuMilk/Punkinbuu
  • Awsometime1/FuzzyRx/CarterHarrisBB/Scribblynx
  • ChesireSquad/Unchained-Artist
  • XJaS2019X/Silhouette2018/JustASilhouette/AfterDarkSil/XForevaYoungX/ForevaYoung/Any other aliases
  • Echospirit12345 / Echospirit/ Echo/any variation
  • ! 𝐆𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐲 𝐀𝐧𝐢𝐗 !/revampanidamaniac/aniisaidiot
  • Xenophane/GogitoGV/Amonikus
  • HorizonStream/klemens_fireseed
  • Dsai_Andrew/Ds4i_andrew
  • Teslarossa
  • FerretFresh/Chaosvoltage/Panguzone/Saige/Fruitybloomy
  • NebulaThe/Nebz/Katie/aliensafterdar1
  • Sprite_Star0/EclipseS0da
  • Amethyst_Edgelord/Lunahellcat/Hellcat-luna/Flawedraven
  • urboytracker
  • beetlestyx/mossimori
  • .avimidi/Kevindasketchbrother
  • rosethorn_mafia
  • D3Ang3lld/Pixodi

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Isovana’s Greylist

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Anyone on my greylist cannot work with me directly, including the following;

  • Purchase commissions or character designs directly from me
  • Have commissions or character designs purchased on their behalf from me by third parties
  • Have messages passed onto me by third parties
  • Interact with me or my characters in any way (I.e. having them draw an OC that belongs to me)

*Grey listed users may still own designs of mine and have designs of mine traded/resold to them from other users. 

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  • TheAngelThatWouldBeKing/TheWouldbeKing
  • Stariinite/Honii_Beez/Sinnaruu/Sinabii/EX_S3R4H
  • Nidariia
  • jonh/vicjonh21
  • Calypsoechidna
  • ChainedArgus
  • Sharkb1tez/haikuo
  • Nugman